ASDA shopper accidentally buying tiny mince pies

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Emma Gill from Manchester spent only £50 on her weekly shop by buying Asda own brand food only. The mother-of-two and Manchester Evening News journalist said the food was delicious bar two products she wouldn’t buy again.

Emma has shared which foods she bought on her weekly shop, with the total number of products coming up to only £50.

The products were enough for Emma to make breakfast, lunch, and dinner for her and her family every day.

There were also some foods left over for snacks and sweet treats.

The mum-of-two wanted to buy Asda Smart Price items for a full week in order to keep costs “down” and avoid as much “waste” as possible.

Emma confessed the items were “lower quality” than what the family is used to, but they were tasty all the same.

The journalist said: “With the exception of the weak teabags and the poor quality sausages, there’s nothing we wouldn’t eat again.”

Emma shared what her family ate every day for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Breakfast on weekdays were a choice of either toast, toast and jam, Wheat Bisks, or porridge.

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On Saturday, the family had sausage sandwiches, while on Sunday they were treated to a Full English, which included eggs, beans, sausages, bacon, plum tomatoes, mushrooms, and toast.

Weekday lunches consisted of sandwiches with the choice of lettuce, ham, cheese, and tuna as fillings.

There was also the choice of tuna and mayonnaise pasta, tomato pasta, sausage rolls, carrot sticks, cherry tomatoes, fruit, ready salted crisps, and Fromage Frais yoghurts.

On weekends, the family had either a sandwich, toastie, tomato soup, sausage roll, or cheese on toast for lunch.

Dinner was different every day.

On Sunday, Emma made a Sunday dinner with chicken, carrots, peas, mash potatoes, roast potatoes, sausages, Yorkshire puddings, and gravy.

Monday was chicken curry using a jar of sauce and chicken left over from Sunday.

On Tuesday, the family had minced beef and onion pie with mash potatoes and carrots.

Wednesday was spaghetti Bolognese with garlic bread, while Thursday was fish, chips, and peas.

On Friday, Emma and her family had chili con carne with tortilla chips.

As for Saturday, the family was treated to corned beef hash with red cabbage.

There was dessert every day too, ranging from ice cream to rice pudding.

As for snacks, there was enough food left for the family to have carrot sticks, fruit, caramel wafers, chocolate and nut muesli bars, and tortillas.

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