A mum-of-two was diagnosed with a brain tumour while heavily pregnant with her first baby.

Kate Mallows, from Chester, was seven months pregnant with her first child when she tripped and fell suddenly.

She had been protectively cradling her bump, leaving her head exposed to the impact.

Kate developed a 'nasty egg shaped lump' on her head, a blinding headache, and two black eyes.

The next morning she was still feeling extremely unwell so her doctors, fearing Kate may have a fractured skull, ordered a CT scan, reports Cheshire Live .

Kate recalls her doctor telling her: "Well it seems you haven't fractured your skull.

"However, we do seem to have found a shadow on the left side of your brain.

"We have sent the scan over to the Neurologists at the Walton Centre in  Liverpool  for confirmation, but from first impressions it seems you may have a brain tumour.'"

The diagnosis was later confirmed, but she was still able to give birth two months later to a healthy baby boy via c-section.

Kate said: "I spent the first five months of motherhood relatively normally in a mess of breastfeeding, sleepless nights and dirty nappies.

"Some complications were caused by an infection and I had to have a blood transfusion, but little did I know that a lot worse was to come over the next few months."

The brain tumour had grown quickly as a result of Kate's pregnancy and she needed a craniotomy.

On Kate's first ever Mother's Day she underwent surgery and spent the following five days in hospital.

Kate said: "My husband was a tower of strength, and although it wasn't easy with a small baby, we tried to get back to some sort of normality."

Following the surgery Kate had her first ever epileptic seizure.

Kate was whisked to hospital once more and returned with medication after it was believed to be a 'one-off' due to the surgery.

However, when more fits occurred, and when Kate's head was found to be leaking fluid, she was diagnosed with bacterial meningitis – which required further surgery.

Following a second operation Kate was put on a four week course of IV antibiotics.

Fortunately a handy 'Hospital at Home' service meant she was able to take care of her young baby at home.

When Kate once again seemed to be improving she was diagnosed with neutropenia – a condition where the immune system becomes dangerously weak.

After yet another stint in hospital Kate was able to return home.

Unfortunately for the young mum, there was another obstacle to come.

After returning home she suffered 'horrendous' vomiting and diarrhoea and was diagnosed with Clostridium Difficile (C-Diff).

Of the ordeal Kate said: "I would spend every night in a hot bath, topping it up constantly to control my pain whilst everyone else slept.

"The only time I would move was to vomit into the toilet.

"Oh God it was horrendous!

"After multiple concoctions of drugs, a few long weeks later I eventually fought off the virus."

Two days after getting hitched in 2014 Kate suffered another seizure – and was officially diagnosed as epileptic.

Five years later and after having her second child Kate hopes she has come through the other side of the horrific problems her tumour caused.

She said: "Recent scans have shown that there may be a risk of the brain tumour returning, but at least this time I will be prepared.

"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger as they say, and I am definitely testament to that."

Kate now owns a Chester business – The Purple Office – which she chose to open after going back to full-time employment wasn't an option.

Kate said: "I love helping new businesses to start and to grow, as I know the struggles that people can go through, even though on the outside they look confident and healthy, their insecurities and sometimes disabilities can be well hidden.

"I still struggle every single day with my Epilepsy and have to be careful not to get overtired or too stressed. But as a business owner I can choose to take things at my own pace and pull back if I need to.

"Its definitely not easy to keep all the plates spinning but it's a heck of a lot easier than it was, and it gets easier every day.

"With my family behind me and a great network of business colleagues and friends I know I can make this business work."  

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