A young mum was found dead on her lounge floor 11 days after passing away, an inquest heard.

April Beresford, 22, "couldn't deal with life" after a long battle with mental health, her heartbroken family said.

But her inquest heard on Friday she was "kind and loving" and "top of the world" on her better days.

As Birmingham Live reports, the mother was found dead at home on Sunday August 11 but it's thought she passed away on or around July 31.

Ruth Beresford, her grief-stricken mum, said: "She couldn't deal with life."

"When her mental health was good she was top of the world.

"She was a really bouncy loud person, when she was on a high she was on a high and when she was low, she was really low.

"She left a mark on a lot of people, even if they only met her once or twice because she was loud and in-your-face.

"None of us were close at the time, she kept pushing everybody away. We don't know what happened."

But a coroner returned an open verdict at an inquest into her death, after the court heard a cause of death could not be established.

Mrs Beresford, from King's Heath, Birmingham, leaves behind a four-year-old daughter.

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