It’s been a few whirlwind weeks for Meghan Markle settling into her role as a new mother. While the Duchess of Sussex has mostly stayed out of the spotlight during this time, she made her official return to royal engagements at the Trooping of the Colour celebration for the Queen’s birthday.

Royal fans agree she looked radiant and somehow appeared even more in love with her husband, Prince Harry.

Baby Archie Harrison wasn’t present atthe event, though we should all expect to seem him make a debut next year.It’s not too surprising considering that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are fiercelyprotective of their privacy and only want to share updates on their own terms.

What exactly has been going on with Prince Harry, MeghanMarkle, and Archie Harrison as they adjust to life as a family of three? Weknow a coupleof details.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are overjoyed with their new addition

Everything from the comments Prince Harry makes in public tothe radiant smile on Meghan Markle’s face indicates that life with the new babyis going wonderfully. While there are bound to be some adjustments—PrinceWilliam quipped that he’d welcomed his brother into an exclusive club known asthe “sleepdeprivation society”—overall, everything seems idyllic.

And for once Meghan Markle is just taking a break and enjoying her time with her son. Instead of rushing to get back into shape post-baby, the Duchess of Sussex is taking things easy.

“Meghan hasn’t been hitting the gym — she hasn’t been in any hurry to get back into shape,” royal correspondent Kate Nicholl said. “No hard training. No weights. She’s enjoying this time — she’s being gentle to herself.”

Harry and Meghan are involved in hands-on parenting

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are determined to give their son as much of a normal life as possible just like their parents did for them. Meghan’s mom Doria Ragland moved in for the first few weeks to help with the baby, but rumor has it she already headed back home to California now.

Kate Nicholl explains that Harry and Meghan chose a newnanny who naturally had to sign an extensive NDA (non-disclosureagreement). But even with help, Meghan Markle is staying incredibly involved inall the messy bits of parenting.

“Meghan’s been up in the night nursing, feeding on demand every few hours,” Nicholl explained. “Apparently he’s a hungry little baby.”

Meghan Markle has a sweet new gift from her husband

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Today The Duke and Duchess of Sussex joined The Queen and members of The Royal Family at the annual Trooping the Colour, to celebrate Her Majesty’s official birthday. Trooping the Colour orginated from traditional preparations for battle and has commemorated the birthday of the sovereign for more than 250 years. In the 18th century, guards from the royal palaces regularly assembled to “troop" colours or flags down the rank, so they could be seen and recognised by the soldiers. In 1748, it was announced this parade would also mark the Sovereign’s official birthday. Trooping the Colour is performed by regiments of the British and Commonwealth armies for The Queen’s birthday parade, allowing them to pay a personal tribute to Her Majesty. Today over 1400 parading soldiers, 200 horses and 400 musicians came together on Horse Guards Parade in London in a great display of military precision, horsemanship and fanfare. The parade concludes with a 41-gun salute fired by The King’s Troop, following which The Queen leads members of The Royal Family back to the balcony of Buckingham Palace to watch the Royal Air Force flypast display. Photos credit: PA

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Eagle-eyed royal fans noticed that Meghan Markle is sportinga sparkly new piece of jewelry which sources reveal was a giftfrom her husband. Along with her stunning engagement ring and wedding band,the Duchess of Sussex has been wearing an eternity band that some claim was a “pushpresent” and others think is an engagement gift.

All in all, it appears that life is good at Frogmore Cottage.Now that everyone is settled in, it’s time to start thinking about when newphotos of Archie Harrison will come out—and, eventually, when we can expect thehappy family to expand again.

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