Career coach reveals the ‘best way’ to answer interview questions about your WEAKNESSES if you want to impress a potential employer

  • Recruiter Darci Smith, from Los Angeles, took to TikTok to share wisdom
  • She advised interviewees to start by reframing the dreaded interview question 
  • Other social media uses were quick to add their own thoughts on the technique

A career coach has revealed how to respond to a question about your weaknesses during a job interview.

Darci Smith, from Greater Los Angeles, took to TikTok to share her wisdom on how best to tackle the dreaded question.

The corporate recruiter advised all interviewees to start by reframing the answer before elaborating further to include how you plan to ‘fix’ the issue.

And viewers were quick to add their own thoughts about the technique. 

Darci Smith, from Greater Los Angeles, took to TikTok to share her wisdom on how best to tackle the dreaded question

The self reflection and way you are going about “fixing it” are the main ways to crush this answer! #whatsyourweakness #interviewprep

In the clip, which has so far been viewed more than 10,300 times, Darci speaks directly to camera.

She begins: ‘Are you still being asked that terrible question – what is your biggest weakness? 

‘I hate this question too but here’s the best way to answer it.’

Darci then reveals how to go about it, as she continues: ‘First you want to reframe it, it’s no longer a weakness, it’s just something that you’re self aware of.’

‘So instead of answering the question and saying “my biggest weakness is that I can’t delegate” reframe it to this: “Something I noticed when I self reflect on my work is that sometimes I have a hard time delegating tasks and here’s what I’ve done to fix that.”

‘That’s a huge part of answering this question. You always want to talk about how you have fixed it or how you’re working on it.’

The career expert uploaded the clip alongside a caption that read: ‘The self reflection and way you are going about “fixing it” are the main ways to crush this answer!’

And other social media users were quick to comment with their own thoughts and experiences.

The corporate recruiter advised all interviewees to start by reframing the answer before elaborating further to include how you plan to ‘fix’ the issue 

Darci, who has said that she is ‘dedicated to helping people crush their interviews,’ has gained more than 292,000 followers on the video sharing platform by giving her insights 

And other social media users were quick to comment with their own thoughts and experiences about the technique

One wrote: ‘One of the reasons I am not leaving my pretty toxic employer is I just don’t have the patience or tolerance for THIS question and others like it. WHY?

‘Of course that isn’t a major reason BUT I just can’t play the game. Let’s get down to the details of the JOB, skills needed, soft and task related.’ 

Another added: ‘I use: “I sometimes have a hard time separating my life from work. For example checking emails when I’m off. I am actively working on that.” It is true.’

And a third said: ‘Reframe the answer into “an area that I noticed I can improve upon” remove “weakness” from the convo.’

Darci, who has said that she is ‘dedicated to helping people crush their interviews,’ has gained more than 292,000 followers on the video sharing platform by giving her insights.

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