DEAR DEIDRE: MY boyfriend finished with me five months ago and I so want him back.

He had been messaging another girl and told me he was not really attracted to me any more. Then he dumped me. I’m 21 and he’s 22.

I love my new guy as a friend but it's my cheating ex who I really want back

I have been seeing his best friend, who has really supported me. We went away for a weekend together and shared a bed but we didn’t have sex. He says he loves me and I have said I love him, which is true, but not as a boyfriend.

All I want is my ex back but this friend said that if I went back to my ex, I would never see him again.

DEIDRE SAYS: This friend was there for you when you needed him and he deserves to know the truth.

Tell him he will only ever be a friend, then stop relying on him and spend more time with other mates so he is free to find someone else.

Learning to cope with rejection is all part of maturing. It is painful but your boyfriend wasn’t worthy of you.

Give yourself the chance to meet

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