A mum says it took just four pushes to deliver her baby – and she believes she has pelvic floor exercises to thank.

Jade Mead stuck to a daily fitness regime during her pregnancies, which included deep squats and side lunges.

The 35-year-old wanted labour to be as quick and easy as possible – and it seems like her discipline paid off.

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She gave birth to her second child so fast that she didn't have time to leave the car and get into hospital.

Without pain relief and with just the help of her husband Ryan, 40, she delivered the baby on the roadside.

Lottie popped out in April 26, 2023, weighing a healthy 7lbs 2oz.

Jade, a fitness coach from Perth in Australia, said: "Labour didn't progress for a very long time – until it did, and it all happened within the last hour!

"At 6:30pm, Ryan and I put Mali to bed and left her with my mum. We wanted to put her to bed and bath her ourselves just to know she was safe and sorted.

"But because we did that, we ended up leaving too late. At 7pm, we got in the car, and my entire body was shivering and shaking.

"Straight away, my contractions became really intense…

"I had to give birth in the middle of a roadside.

"There were no lights, I had no pain relief, and I was screaming with every push. It all happened so quickly."

Thankfully, both mum and baby were healthy when they were checked over in the King Edward Memorial Hospital, Subiaco.

Jade added: "I had my eyes closed the whole time – I was in so much pain.

"After the first two big pushes – I decided to take my shorts off. Within two more pushes, Lottie came out at 7:28pm.

"It was such a blur. I was exhausted. The midwife told Ryan to pop her on my chest and rub her back.

"It was a miracle, she was crying and red-faced straight away. Just a really healthy baby."

The mum experienced a similar situation with her first daughter, Mali, three.

Her tot was born three weeks early, which meant Jade's birthing prep exercises hadn't been taken to full term.

She still gave birth to the 7lb 2oz baby in five hours though.

Jade said: "I focused a lot on hip-opening exercises to prepare for each birth. A lot of them focused on yoga and stretching.

"So I was swearing by deep squats, child's pose, cat-cow pose, deep lunge stretches and side-lunge stretches.

"I also drank a lot of raspberry leaf tea, and did a lot of curb walking – where you walk with one foot on the curb, one foot in the road."

Four weeks on both Jade and Lottie are doing well – and Ryan is jokingly considering a new career in midwifery.

She said: "We're both doing completely fine now – both Lottie and Mali are happy and healthy.

"Ryan keeps joking to our friends that he fancies himself as a midwife now – he's got once-in-a-lifetime practical training!"


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