HRT will be sold without a prescription for the first time in a huge boost for menopausal women, health watchdogs are set to announce.

As it stands, Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) – the most effective way to treat menopause symptoms – is only accessible after speaking to a GP or specialist.

But now, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency are preparing to put forward a reclassification of HRT pills, gels, creams and patches, it is understood.

It would see women be able to buy them over the counter, The Daily Telegraph reports.

Haitham Hamoda, the chairman of the British Menopause Society, said: "Improving access to HRT is a good thing, but it is really important that women can access all the help and advice they need.

"It's great that there is so much conversation about menopause now, and people are far more open about it.

"But we don't want this to come down to a question of self-diagnosis – it's really important that those thinking about starting HRT get the right information."

The changes might still require pharmacists to give the final ok.

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Hormone replacement therapy is the most effective way to treat symptoms and doctors say that for most women the benefits far outweigh the risks.

But a flawed 2002 US study linking HRT to breast cancer has left many women reluctant to take it, and GPs refusing to prescribe it.

In October, the Government backed a "menopause revolution" as ministers pledged to cut the cost of repeat prescriptions of HRT.

MP Carolyn Harris, who introduced the initial bill, wept as commitments were made to help women struggling with symptoms and costs of the menopause.

HRT is currently available on prescription for £9.35 a time in England, although it is free in Scotland and Wales.

But after politicians and celebs joined The Sun's Fabulous Menopause Matters campaign, women on repeat prescriptions will only have to pay one charge of £18.50 a year – saving up to £205.

Lisa Snowdon, a campaign ambassador, previously told The Sun: "It will make a huge difference to so many women saving hundreds of pounds a year on prescriptions who will no longer have to make sacrifices to access treatment.

"This is just the beginning and I’m so proud to be a part of The Sun's Fabulous menopause matters and it’s a huge win for us.

"This campaign is making the conversation around the menopause louder and long may it continue."

A Department of Health and Social Care spokesman said: "We understand that, for some women, menopause symptoms can have a significant impact on their quality of life, and we are committed to improving the care and support they receive.

"That's why we're developing the first ever government-led Women's Health Strategy, informed by women's lived experience. Menopause, including improving access to Hormone Replacement Therapy, will be a priority under the strategy."

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