Do your kids regularly make a beeline for dogs with outstretched arms? Or maybe they recoil and run away from anything on four legs? Whatever your child’s age, it is important to teach them to be considerate and safe around all animals, including dogs. Developing a good relationship with dogs can help children develop kindness, empathy, and a sense of responsibility.
‘Children, generally speaking, are attracted to dogs, which is understandable: dogs are fluffy, cute and interesting. Also, they are known as Man’s Best Friend, so their expectations of dogs can be rather high,’ Debby Lucken, founder of Kids Around Dogs tells us.
‘You can’t simply say ‘no’ to children… some will listen, but some will not, so why not come up with a good way for kids to interact with dogs positively?’
Between 2020 and 2021, there has been a staggering 54 per cent increase in dog attacks according to the Canine and Feline Behaviour Association. Adding to this a disturbing number of fatal attacks have made the headlines.
We spoke to experts for the top advice on how to keep children safe around dogs.
Always supervise
‘It is so important to teach children how to behave around dogs. But kids won’t always get it right,’ says Niki French, owner of Pup Talk and Twickenham Dog Services.
‘So, until you are very certain of how they are together, all interactions with children and dogs must be supervised by an adult. And the adult must be paying attention!’
If you have a dog in the home, they should have a quiet space they can retreat to, such as a crate, pen, bed or another room.
‘This should be somewhere they can go to and not be disturbed by children or adults. Teach children a firm boundary about not touching the dog when they are resting, especially when they are in their quiet space.’
If the relationship is new then keep the dog on a lead or in their pen, crate, or separate room when you can’t supervise.
She adds: ‘Baby gates are also very useful for keeping dogs and children safe in a family home. You can give your dog a calming lick mat or a tasty chew in their quiet space.’
Teach children ‘how’
It is essential to teach children to be gentle with dogs and to treat them with respect.
‘We need to make sure children don’t treat dogs as fluffy toys,’ French comments.
‘They are animals and are not there to be grabbed or hugged. Ear and fur pulling, chasing, running around and squealing are all big no-nos. Excitement can quickly escalate for both children and dogs and excited dogs don’t make the best decisions.’
She suggests working with a good dog trainer to learn training games that children can play safely with dogs.
Lucken adds: ‘I love seeing kids being involved in training dogs, as it’s a wonderful way for them to bond and it helps the dog to see kids as someone to respond to and not only as someone to play with. Children can be great trainers for dogs! From basic manners to fun tricks, they can do it all. In principle, short sessions of training are the best! Three to five minutes per session, three times a day. Make it fun, fun, fun!’
Get the kids to help
It is a useful exercise to get kids involved in looking after dogs.
Lucken explains: ‘At home, kids of all ages can help with the little jobs that need doing around dogs, such as giving them fresh water twice a day; and deciding (or preparing) what delicious food the dog should have for his meal.’
Ask for permission
Don’t allow your child to approach a dog they do not know unless they have permission for the owner.
French explains: ‘Not all dogs like being approached by strangers and some struggle even more with children. Kids are generally more unpredictable and have higher-pitched voices and jerky movements. All of these can cause worry or excitement in some dogs. Even normally chilled out dogs can be having a bad day so it’s always worth checking with their human.’
If they say yes, teach your child to stay calm and wait patiently for the dog to approach, then stroke the dog’s shoulder or side.
Understand body language
Whilst we can never know what a dog is thinking or feeling, teaching your children some basic doggy body language can be very useful, so they can see if a dog is feeling happy or scared.
Lucken adds: ‘Whether you have a dog in the household or not, it’s important to remember that dogs have their way of communicating with us, you could call this the language of dogs. For example, a dog might lick his lips because something delicious is around, but it could also be out of fear and worry. If in doubt, it is best to leave the dog alone.’
There are other pointers to look out for.
If the dog’s head or body is turning away, these are both strong signs the dog does not want the interaction. If the dog has its mouth closed or eyes closed or ears pinned back; these are all signs the dog isn’t happy and you should stop the interaction or not approach the dog. Finally, if the tail is very low (between the legs) or if the dog lowers his whole body, then the dog is very scared and it is best to move away unless you are the owner, in which case you should remove your dog from the situation he is in.
Do your research
If you are planning on purchasing a dog, Lucken says the idea that some breeds are more prone to biting, with intentions of hurting, is not right.
‘Of course, so breeds of dogs will have a stronger bite than others, but breed alone doesn’t define the dog. We also ought to consider the previous history (of puppy/dog and parents); what training, if any, was done, and how; the health of the dog because an unwell dog can react negatively towards people and other animals; the level of socialisation and how the world was presented to the dog.’
She also advises properly researching the breed to know if the breed’s general characteristics can fit the family’s lifestyle. It is always recommended to adopt a puppy from reputable breeders only.
‘If rescuing, I discourage families with children not to adopt from abroad, as it would be a “blind” adoption and they wouldn’t have had the chance to meet the dog beforehand, which is something that should be done more than once before adopting a dog. There are lovely rescue centres in the UK, which are particularly careful and knowledgeable about adopting dogs into families with children: Phoenix Rehoming and BeKind Rescue.’
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