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Shag rugs add sophistication to your home while making a room feel a little cosier. However, there’s nothing less inviting than a dirty shag rug. Express.co.uk explains how to make your shag rug look as good as new again.

How to clean a shag rug

Take your rug outdoors and shake off any loose dirt particles.

You can beat the rug with the end of a broom or mop to dislodge any stubborn debris.

If the rug is too big to shake, hang it up on your washing line for a couple of hours.

This will get rid of loose dirt and dust, and sunlight will kill any bacteria and mites stuck inside it.

READ MORE- How to clean a rug by hand

Run over your shag rug with your hoover on its highest setting using the upholstery attachment.

Then, make sure you turn off the beater bars.

Flip your rug over and vacuum the bottom side too in order to give your rug a deep clean.

You should vacuum the rug frequently to prevent dirt from building up.

Rugs are prone to gathering stains and spills, and these should be taken care of individually.

Ideally, you should spot treat spills before they settle in.

When an accident happens, use a clean rag to press firmly on the affected area.

This will soak up the liquid and prevent staining.

Then, spray the area with a carpet cleaning solution and let it soak in for a few minutes before blotting the area with a new cloth.

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Read the shag rug’s care label to find out what your rug can handle.

If your rug can cope with water, use a carpet cleaner to deep clean your shag rug.

This machine cleans your rug with shampoo and hot water, while hoovering up the liquid at the same time.

This is the easiest way to get rid of dirt and stains.

Once the rug is clean, let it dry outside in the fresh air.

If your rug can’t get wet, use a powdered dry shampoo.

Sprinkle this on the rug and let the powder collect the dirt. Then, hoover the dust up.

If none of this cleans your rug to the standard you’re after, try contacting a professional.

Some materials are more difficult to clean, and your shag rug could need special care.

Lots of rugs get damaged during home cleaning, with harsh chemicals staining your precious shag rug.

Get the rug cleaned professionally a few times a year to avoid damage.

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