
You have been keeping your worries to yourself. You have had a lot on your mind and you haven’t wanted to share this with others. Recent uncertainties over a delicate issue will have been based on nothing more than a misunderstanding. A compromise is reached between two arguing parties. This will make for a more relaxed atmosphere within a team.


You’re starting to see many situations from a different angle. This opens the way to new options to choose from for the future. A difference will be seen in your family life as you reduce social obligations. You can look forward to a more carefree and relaxed time ahead.


After a hectic start. you won’t believe it when the pace of a project heats up even further. Yet when you think about it, this will have been all of your own doing as you are the one who will have decided to volunteer to help sort out a tangled web of deceit and deception.


You’re determined to find ways to get your spending back under control. Whether this means cutting back on frills and focusing on paying bills, you will feel much happier when you are able to build long term economic security. If you’re looking for a job, narrow your search to hospitals, universities and innovative companies.


Caution is necessary in career related concerns. The outcome of a deal is not guaranteed. Small clauses that may have big consequences could escape your attention. Before signing contracts, get the advice of a legal professional. Acting on impulse will be later regretted.


If you have fallen behind with routine chores, now is a good time to shop for groceries, clear out cupboards and drawers and catch up with the laundry. Organised action in itself will leave you with a clear head and more able to see the road that lies before you.


Creating a budget that works is high on your list of priorities. Money is being spent as quickly as it is coming in and you need to plan finances more carefully. A competitive venture is starting to bore you when you just aren’t as ambitious or as interested as others taking part.


Your living conditions are set to take a major overhaul and for the better too. Whether this means selling property, relocating to another area or making some home improvements, you will find the Universe is responsive to your hopes and needs. The right opportunities will come at the right time.


You’re determined to push a project past the finish line. This may mean taking the bull by the horns and forcing your way through any hold-ups and problems. Taking a direct approach will save you a lot of time. Keep pushing yourself to your limits and progress made will be pleasing.

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You’re looking at the world from an objective angle, considering it as a whole rather than holding an ‘every man for himself’ attitude as some people seem to be doing. If a team project isn’t working for you it might be time to walk away from some petty people with selfish motivations.


Carrying out familiar routines no longer appeals when you’re ready to take a fresh approach to your work and other responsibilities. Finding creative solutions to problems will motivate teammates to work harder. Even those who usually prefer to stick with the tried and tested will quickly adapt a more experimental approach.


You’re ready to push past your fears and try something new. This won’t please someone who is used to having a lot of influence over your decisions. Even if they accuse you of being impulsive, self-centred or self-indulgent, tell them in no uncertain terms that from now on you will be thinking for yourself.

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