Floyd, 46, died on May 25 from "cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression," according to the Hennepin County Medical Examiner's report released on June 1 that also ruled his death a homicide.

Then-police officer Derek Chauvin was videotaped pinning Floyd to the ground with his knee on the unarmed man's neck for several minutes, despite Floyd's repeated cries of "I can't breathe."

Chauvin, who was previously charged with third-degree murder and manslaughter, had his murder charge upgraded to second-degree murder.

Chauvin hasn't entered a plea yet, and his attorney hasn't responded to PEOPLE's request for comment. Three other officers — Thomas Lane, 37; Tou Thao, 34; and J. Alexander Kueng, 26 — have been charged with aiding and abetting second-degree murder and aiding and abetting second-degree manslaughter. They have not yet entered pleas.

Lane's attorney, Earl Gray, did not immediately return PEOPLE's call for comment, but told Today on Monday that his client was a rookie cop "doing what he thought was right." Court documents do not list attorneys for Kueng and Thao.

On Tuesday, a funeral service was held for Floyd in his hometown of Houston. He was mourned by friends, family and loved ones before being buried alongside the mother to whom he called out as he died.

In the weeks following Floyd's death, a GoFundMe page was set up on behalf of Gianna to go toward her "care and future." It has since raised over $2 million.

Another GoFundMe, the Official George Floyd Memorial Fund, was also set up. it's run by Adner Marcelin of Ben Crump Law, with all funds going directly to the family — and has now received the most individual donations in the crowdfunding platform's history, TMZ reported.

Over $14 million dollars have been raised, with donations coming in from people in 125 different countries around the world, according to the outlet.

To help combat systemic racism, consider learning from or donating to these organizations:

• Campaign Zero (joincampaignzero.org) which works to end police brutality in America through research-proven strategies.

• ColorofChange.org works to make the government more responsive to racial disparities.

• National Cares Mentoring Movement (caresmentoring.org) provides social and academic support to help black youth succeed in college and beyond.

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