It might seem harsh but I’m starting to hate my six-year-old son: ‘I’m losing it’

  • A mum shared that her son, 6, refuses to use the toilet and soils himself daily
  • She has tried hospitals, therapists, medication, but nothing has worked
  • READ MORE: Grandmother refuses to babysit unless she’s paid $30 an hour 

A frustrated mum has shocked parents after saying she feels ‘hatred’ and ‘disgust’ towards her six-year-old son because he continues to soil himself.

Candice*, from the US, said that despite being toilet trained shortly after he turned two, he began to regress at three.

She said she has tried several options to help her son including  doctors, psychological therapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and laxatives – but nothing has worked.

Candice said that she ‘wished she never had a kid’ because of the ongoing issue.

‘This may seem harsh but I’m losing it,’ the mum wrote. ‘I’m to the point where I feel hate and disgust towards him because none of us get to have a normal life.’

A frustrated mum has shocked parents after saying she feels ‘hatred’ and ‘disgust’ towards her six-year-old son because he continues to soil himself 

She added, ‘I can’t let him hang out with friends, can’t take him anywhere with me, can’t go on vacation, long car rides, or even the f***ing park because he will sh*t himself constantly.’

The mum revealed that her son doesn’t seem concerned about his behaviour.  

‘I literally don’t know how to stop this. (My son) sees nothing wrong with him and every time I ask why he has no reason or tells me some made up story about why he’s doing it,’ Candice said.

‘I know it’s made up because it changes literally every time. He says he’s fine with smelling bad and not having friends because of it.

‘All of his cousins make fun of him – and so do the kids at school, but he just doesn’t care. Even the doctors don’t have an answer for what to do,’ she said.

READ MORE: Grandmother refuses to babysit unless she’s paid $30AUD an hour 

The mum also said that she’s been considering pulling her son out of school because of the problem.

Candice claimed her paediatrician told her to ‘let the child get bullied into stopping’ instead of offering any other advice. 

She has also had him assessed for an Autistic Spectrum Disorder three times, but the tests came back negative.

‘Please anyone please, please help me!’ the frustrated mum cried.

The parents have tried several options to help their son, including doctors, therapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and laxatives – but nothing has stuck so far

Many shared similar stories about relatives who refused to use the toilet until later in life.

‘My little brother had this, and I’m sorry to say it lasted well into his teens. It was very difficult to cope with, my mother also took him to every doctor and specialist you can think of, until he was eventually diagnosed with autism,’ a man wrote.

‘One of my cousins was like this until about 16 or 17, and then one day it just stopped, we’re still not sure why,’ another wrote.

A mum shared some helpful advice about the situation.

‘My eight-year-old was very similar at that age,’ she wrote.

‘We wound up dealing with his faecal loading with suppositories and instigated a strict poo routine where he had set times to sit for at least 15 minutes twice daily whether he opened his bowels or not.

‘We discovered that the root cause was his ADHD. He literally wasn’t sitting on the toilet long enough for his bowels to relax and open. It took distracting him with a tablet for him to start to be willing to sit, and then consistent rewards for success.’

*Names have been changed for privacy 

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