BRITS have been told they must wear masks in most indoor venues including cinemas and theatres from Friday.

The announcement is part of a new rules announced by the Prime Minister today as part of a plan to slow the spread of Covid.

Boris Johnson's Plan B also includes an order for Brits to work from home.

He announced he was toughening the rules as scientists warned the NHS could be swamped by 1,000 daily patients infected with the super-strain.

Mr Johnson said: "It is clear that Omicron is growing much faster than the previous delta variant and spreading rapidly across the world."

He confirmed that masks will have to be worn in crowded indoor spaces – but not bars and restaurants.

It is already mandatory to wear face coverings in shops and on public transport until December 21.

The PM said: "There'll be of course exemptions where it's not practical, such as when eating, drinking, exercising or singing."

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It means places like gyms, restaurants and choir practice will likely be exempt from the mask tightening.

The new rules include:

  • Compulsory face masks in all indoor settings from FRIDAY
  • Working from home except key workers from MONDAY
  • Vaccine passports for crowded venues from NEXT WEDNESDAY

It means people will be required to show they're either double-jabbed or provide a negative test for crowded gatherings.

It applies for nightclubs, indoor events with 500 attendees or large outdoor gatherings like sports games.

From Monday the guidance – but not the law – will change asking all but key workers to work remotely as they did from March last year to July's Freedom Day.

But sources have said it is likely these rules will be extended until the New Year.

We round-up where to buy masks online if you need to stock up.

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