DR MAX PEMBERTON: Sorry, there’s no such thing as sex addiction

  • New research which involved blood tests claims to prove sex addiction is ‘real’
  • Scientists found that in those with sex addiction, hormone oxytocin was higher 
  • Dr Max Pemberton says classifying this kind of behaviour as an illness is sinister

Here we go again — sex addiction is back in the news. The twist? This time it’s not some celebrity trying to find an excuse for their latest indiscretion, but new research which claims to prove that sex addiction is ‘real’.

Hmmm. I can’t help but ask, what do we mean by real? There’s no doubt that ‘sex addicts’ have destructive behaviours they find hard to stop. But does this mean it’s an illness, in the same way as, say, multiple sclerosis?

Certainly, the headlines would appear to suggest it is, and I imagine philandering husbands around Britain waving the newspaper towards their beleaguered wives in the morning saying: ‘See, it’s not my fault I had an affair!’

But hang on a minute, is that really the case? Is this actually a free pass for philanderers?

New research claims to prove that sex addiction is ‘real’, as blood tests revealed those with sex addiction had higher oxytocin (file image)

The research involved blood tests on a group of people with sex addiction and compared it to those without the condition.

The scientists found that in those with sex addiction, oxytocin — a hormone involved in feelings of love, affection and bonding — was higher.

They suggest this proves a biological basis for the condition, that people with a sex addiction are simply responding to higher- than-normal levels of the hormone. They are victims of their biology.

In other words: It’s not their fault. Don’t blame them!

What a load of rubbish. The sex addiction industry, made up of charities and rehab clinics, have been lobbying hard in recent years to have sex addiction recognised as a bona fide medical condition.

Maybe I’m being cynical, but to me this is simply a get-out- of-jail-free card for letches and creeps.

Firstly, the research shows an association, not causation. What this means is that there appears to be a link, but we can’t say that higher oxytocin actually causes the behaviours — it could be a consequence of it.

So, those who have lots of sex might release more oxytocin as a result of their behaviour.

Also, the research takes a very reductionist app-roach to human behaviour.

I refuse to believe that we are gov-erned by our hormones in that way. We have control over our behaviour.

What if we found that rapists had higher levels of testosterone, for example? Would that excuse their behaviour? Of course it wouldn’t. Sex addiction is a made-up excuse used by men (because, let’s be honest, it’s mostly men) who can’t keep it in their trousers.

Dr Max Pemberton (pictured) finds it sinister that, by classifying this kind of behaviour as an illness, people are now being stripped of any sense of responsibility for their actions

It is the medicalisation of promiscuity. In many ways, it is emblematic of the society in which we live, where we are encouraged to believe it’s always someone else’s fault and that you don’t have to take responsibility for your behaviour.

Sex addiction has its roots in the indiscretions of the rich and famous who have looked to medicine to provide a fig leaf when they’ve been caught with their pants down.

It’s a well-worn PR-managed response to any celebrity indis-cretion. Caught in a compromising position? Quick, go to rehab.

No one will dare criticise you then because you’re unwell. It’s not your fault — in fact, you’re the victim here because you have a cruel illness. Poor you.

I’m not denying there are people who use sex as a way of numbing themselves to the pain they experience in life.

There are people who use brief, casual encounters as a way of avoiding intimacy.

There are those who use it inappropriately to spice up an otherwise boring or unfulfilled life, or to manage stress. But that’s not a disease. That’s not an illness. That’s a choice. People are choosing to behave in a particular way.

I find it sinister and worrying that, by classifying this kind of behaviour as an illness, people are now being stripped of any sense of responsibility for their actions.

Let me be blunt: Sex addiction isn’t an illness — it’s a weakness.

This might sound harsh, but in that statement is something quite liberating — it’s something people are choosing, which means they can also choose not to do it.

Isn’t this what being human is all about? We all have impulses, desires and wants. We all have a tough time in our lives.

But the wonderful thing about being human — and, admittedly, the scary thing — is that we are free agents to decide how we deal with this.

Calling sex addiction an illness removes this sense of agency. It casts those who choose sex over dealing with their problems in a victim role. That helps no one.

Joanna’s brave to say what many of us think

Dr Max said Joanna Lumley (pictured) rightly pointed out that jumping on the ‘mental illness bandwagon’ belittles the experiences of those with genuine mental health problems

All hail Joanna Lumley for saying what many think. She risked the wrath of the woke with her observation that people are jumping on the ‘mental illness bandwagon’. Too often I see patients claiming to be mentally ill when in fact they are just feeling down. This is really about the medicalisation of distress and normal emotions.

Feeling down because your boyfriend dumps you is not a mental illness. Sometimes life is upsetting. This is not a psychiatric problem. This is a problem with life. 

It’s normal to be upset, angry or down sometimes. It’s normal to cry when you’re upset. As Lumley rightly points out, claiming to be mentally ill when you’re just being confronted with the fact life doesn’t always go to plan, belittles the experiences of those with genuine mental health problems.

  • An investigation has uncovered unscrupulous beauticians offering black market versions of Botox. My concern is that it will be cash-strapped younger women who are drawn to these cowboys. Last year, out of curiosity, I did a qualification in anti-wrinkle jabs and fillers. I was horrified at how young some of the guinea pigs were — 18- and 19-year-olds with flawless skin. What’s more, all of them had social media snaps as an example of how they wanted to look, yet most of these had been digitally manipulated. I had to explain that they weren’t real. It put me off the procedures and I’ve never done them despite qualifying.

A dermatologist I once spoke to said that nobody should even consider anti-wrinkle jabs until they are at least in their late 20s. Even then, what’s wrong with a few wrinkles for goodness sake?

Dr Max prescribes…

Mind-bending book

Dr Max said The Man Who Tasted Words by Guy Leschziner (pictured), makes you question reality and the role that our brain plays in constructing our universe

Written by Guy Leschziner, a professor of neurology, The Man Who Tasted Words explores the amazing world of our senses and how they create our understanding of our experiences, our memories and who we are.

The title comes from a patient who ‘tasted’ words. It makes you question reality and the role that our brain plays in constructing our universe and what we think we know. Fascinating.

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