Daily horoscope readings for February 7 suggest today will be the ideal day to get together with friends or family according to astrologers. Some people will rely on today’s astrology forecast to guide their lives, and it seems the day could bring a mix of emotions.

What is my astrology forecast for February 7?

According to astrologist Marina of MarStars Astrology, February 7 will bring a mix of positive and negative emotions.

She said on February 7, Venus is ingress (entering into) Aries, and Mercury is in Pisces quintile with Mars in Sagittarius.

Marina added the Moon is in Cancer but will shift into Leo in the evening.


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She said: “Friday is the day when Venus will ingress Aries.

“A new sign position for Venus which, honestly, is not very compatible.”

Marina said Venus is in a detrimental position with Aries, which could bring a lack of emotional balance on Friday.

She continued: “Sometimes we may exaggerate some things a little bit, or our emotions may be too much on the surface.”

“Something upsets you and you have to show it, you cannot keep it to your self.

“Sometimes there is too much demonstration of unnecessary emotions or emotional overreaction.”

Marina said despite the emotional interruption, Venus in Aries brings some “exciting” aspects.

She said: “At the same time, Venus in Aries can bring lots of excitement, new experiences, desires to do something or take action about the things or people you love.”

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“In relationships, this can be exciting, but may require balance and could bring up unnecessary emotional reactions.”

Marina said Mercury’s interaction with Mars will inspire and drive people on Friday.

She added: “On the other side, Mercury, which is in Pisces, will have a positive creative aspect with Mars in Saggitarius.

“This would be a great aspect to change something about our goals and plans, and overall to be more creative and inspired.”

“Pisces and Sagittarius are very related to our goals, imagination and dreams, so this would be a great time to reassess your dreams, plans and goals, and plan some new steps you can take to achieve your long-term goals.”

Marina said the Moon enters Leo in the evening, which will help people enjoy their Friday nights, creating an ideal opportunity for an outing or party.

She said: “This should bring more excitement, more passion, more desire to take action and desire to share time with other people.

“For Friday night this would be a great position for a party, going outside or attending an event of some kind.

“Whatever would bring you positive emotions.”

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