A controlling dad made his daughters "feel like they were in prison" after they refused arranged marriages , a court heard.

Salamat Khan had already married off three of his eight daughters to selected spouses but he "cast out" two of his other children when they married other men he did not "approve of."

A court heard the 63-year-old claimed sisters Madina, 21, and Maryha Khan were "dead to the family" as a result.

He also tried to stop the women leading a Westernised lifestyle, a court heard.

They claimed the parental control was so severe over the three-year period they felt like they were "living in a prison".

Khan, a devout Muslim, refused to let Madina and Maryha Khan go out in the evening or meet their friends and made then cook and clean for him.

He also demanded properties in the names of female relatives be transferred to him and his only son, 34-year-old Abbas.

But yesterday Khan was found guilty of engaging in coercive behaviour.

His son Abbas was convicted of the same charge and a common assault offence, in relation to attacking his mum Zahida Begum.

He pushed her backwards with such force it caused a cabinet to fall off the wall.

Joyce Fletcher, chairwoman of the bench at Manchester Magistrates Court, accused Salamat of being "evasive and inconsistent" during his testimony.

"Madina and Maryha were both emotional during their evidence which demonstrated to us the serious effect all of this was having on them," she said.

"You did continuously and repeatedly control and coerce your daughters by not allowing friends in the family home and not allowing them access with their friends outside of school.

"You also controlled them to the extent they felt scared to talk to you about going to the wedding of their sisters and you forbade any further contact with them.

"This did have a very serious effect on both Madina and Maryha and they both felt like they were living in a prison.

"Regarding your wife Mrs Begum, you did continuously and repeatedly control her by following her on so many times – and you accused her of cheating on many occasions.

"You prevented her, for fear of the consequences, of contacting friends and her estranged daughters, and there were threats of violence.

"This behaviour had a serious effect on Mrs Begum and you would have been aware of this. We find the matter so serious that our sentencing powers are insufficient."

The court heard police were called to the Khan's family home in Oldham, Greater Manchester, after a violent argument broke out.

Abbas had demanded one of the properties to be transferred to his name so his own wife could emigrate to the UK from her native Pakistan.

Abbas' assault happened during this row in June last year.

Officers later spoke to Salamat about the two daughters and he admitted: "They can marry whoever they wish – but I want nothing to do with them."

Salamat and his wife, who have been married for 50 years, moved to the UK from Pakistan in 1979.

Three of their daughters, Nasreen, Nasir and Zadine, all wed in Pakistan under arranged marriage but two others Bushra and Ishiat, married other Muslim men who were not "arranged" for them.

Mrs Begum told the hearing: "Bushra and Ishiat are not welcome by my husband or son. He doesn't allow me to meet up with her, but I can speak to her on the phone.

"Ishiat was married in England and I wanted to go to her wedding. I also wanted to go to Bushra's too but I wasn't allowed to go.

"My husband makes the decisions as does my son and I was encouraged not to contact my daughters after they got married without my husbands permissions. My husband doesn't want me to keep in contact.

"There's been many arguments about the transfer of names for the property. My husband would accuse me of seeing other men when I went out to visit my daughters."

Madina Khan said: said: "I was educated in England but I went to Pakistan during holidays and term time and I got quite behind at school.

"When I came back to school it was hard to catch up but I did it. Howeve my role was staying at home, cooking and cleaning. My dad could have done it but he didn't and that's why I did it.

"I have a mixture of friends both Muslim and non Muslim, girls and boys but my friends aren't allowed to come for tea.

"They weren't allowed to come and visit me at home. I would have to come straight home and I wasn't allowed to socialise with friends outside of college."

Salamat told the hearing: "I gave my daughters the choice and the opportunity to carry out what they wanted to do. If they are married on their own wishes, I have no objections or complaints, they can live their life.

"But when I found out Bushra and Ishiat had married, I was upset and was crying.

"They spit in my face and they didn't even tell me about it. It was shame and I was concerned about my status. I don't know why they didn't tell me."

Both men will be sentenced at a later date.

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