Can YOU answer these tricky maths questions set for a 14-year-old? See if you can crack these number puzzles

Are you a maths whizz? Can you even best a 14-year-old with your numeracy skills without counting on your fingers?

We are again asking MailOnline readers if their mathematical skills are up to par with what British Year Nine pupils should know – so we dug up another old maths SATs paper from the archives. 

Pupils took the SATs tests so their teachers can monitor their progress before they head on to study their GCSEs in Year 10.

So, MailOnline asks…

Can you solve these Year Nine maths exam questions? – and remember calculators are not allowed (Answers at the bottom of the page)



Can you solve these maths SATs exam questions written for 14-year-olds?

After teachers walked out last week in what is being called ‘Walkout Wednesday’ Rishi Sunak accused Keir Starmer’s Labour party of siding with striking workers after voting against the Government’s anti-strike laws.

More than 20 Labour MPs joined picket lines on February 1, including former shadow frontbenchers John McDonnell, Richard Burgon and Ian Lavery.

And Sadiq Khan, the Labour mayor of London, sent a message of support to striking teachers, saying the ‘way in which you’ve been treated is nothing short of a disgrace’.

Pupils took the SATs tests so their teachers can monitor their progress before they head on to study their GCSEs in Year 10

He said of Sir Keir: ‘He can’t stand up to his union bosses, he can’t stand up for Britain’s school children today, and he can’t stand up for the women in his party.’

Can YOU pass this maths exam for 14-year-olds? Test your numeracy skills on this SATs paper for Year Nine pupils

It came as parents urged teachers not to let children be ‘pawns in the middle’ of their pay dispute as the first of four national teachers’ strikes took place yesterday.

And as more than 100,000 members of the National Education Union walked out, parents had to arrange childcare or take unplanned leave.

But Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster Oliver Dowden revealed on Friday that fewer than a third of teachers went on strike last Wednesday.

Mr Dowden condemned the disruption to teaching as he spoke in the House of Commons and revealed the numbers of those who went on strike.

The Hertsmere MP said that 12 per cent of civil servants participated in strike action on Wednesday, adding that 70 per cent of teachers also did not join in.

Mr Dowden, the chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, said: ‘I would also pay tribute to the overwhelming majority of civil servants who didn’t strike yesterday, actually only 12 per cent participated in that strike, and ensured that essential public services continued uninterrupted.’

There were also concerns about the impact of the strike on children who have already had their education disrupted by lockdowns.

Dan Little, a father of school-age daughters who runs an engineering firm, said: ‘The vast majority of the issue is government-related [but] I just don’t agree with striking, particularly in the public sector. Nor do I think that the children should ever be pawns in the middle.’

Rishi Sunak (right) slammed Keir Starmer (left) for putting ‘extremist protesters’ and Labour’s union paymasters ahead of schoolchildren during bruising PMQs clashes today

Striking teachers and their supporters marching in Newcastle last week

Mr Little, 45, of Upminster, Essex, added: ‘Let’s just hope the Government and unions agree something sensible ASAP.’

Another parent wrote online: ‘Children have been deeply scarred by [lockdown] school closures and the last thing they need is adults walking out on them again. It is morally wrong.’


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