DEAR DEIDRE: WHEN my girlfriend touches my penis or gives me oral sex it feels completely numb.

It feels good when I masturbate, so I don’t understand why I feel nothing when I’m with her.

I’m 17 and so is she. We got together three months ago, and neither of us has ever been with anyone else. 

I pretend I’m enjoying it when she touches me, and usually finish off by myself.  Otherwise it goes on so long I get sore.

But I really want to be able to enjoy sex with her. 

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DEIDRE SAYS: When you masturbate, you know what works. You need to show your girlfriend.

If she’s too rough, it could cause numbness. But you may also be holding back. 

The more you worry, the more likely it is to happen.

If things don’t improve, go to The Mix ( who offer confidential support for under-25s. 


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