A WOMAN has voiced her growing suspicion after revealing her boyfriend has never invited her to his house, or to meet any of his friends.

The pair have been dating for nearly a year but she claims they have only ever been to her house and a few pubs.

She has sought advice on Mumsnet over her partner’s ‘odd behaviour’, and lots of other women are also suspicious.

The woman wrote: “Been with BF together a while now (about a year).

“The reason why I'm wondering this is because he has never invited me to his house. Ever.

“Our whole relationship has taken place from my house and a couple of bars in between our houses, which we go to once a month.

“He told me this was because he was doing work to his house.

“The other week I was really direct and asked him when he was going to invite me over and he said when the work is finished, ie, mid 2019.

“I've driven past his road a couple of times and there is scaffolding outside, so I do believe he's having work done.

“I just find it really odd that he wouldn't want to show me where he lives.

“He's also never introduced me to any of his friends (I'm digging my heels in with this one and not introducing him to any of my friends until he initiates).”

She finished her post by admitting she thought there may be someone else.

The woman added: “I think my concern is that he has someone more serious that he doesn't want me to know about.”

And lots of people agree, with a few asking if she’s sure the house with the scaffolding is his at all.

One person said: “Sounds like he has another relationship.

"He won’t let you see his home or meet his friends?

“Could it be because you're unknowingly the OW [other woman].”

Agreeing, this person posted: “Sounds like a double life. You two have been together for a year and he still haven't introduced you to his friends and family?

“Red flag. I would be suspicious. Could you just pop up to his place one day and see what happens?”

Another said: “I'd definitely just drop by. No one is that house proud.”

A third advised: “He is hiding something or someone.”

This person said: “There's a reason he's keeping you separate from the rest of his life.

“You need to find out why and before you waste anymore of your life with him.”

Sharing their own stories, this woman said: “This happened to me years ago. Turned out my "boyfriend" was living with his wife.”

And this person suggested: “Sit outside and watch at work leaving times or school run if you think he may have kids.”

The woman later posted that she was planning on going round unannounced and knocking on the door to see who would answer.

But she said: “If a woman answers I'll pretend I'm looking for someone else.

“I'm not in the market for destroying someone else's relationship.”



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