People everywhere are currently pulling out all the stops to decorate their homes in time for the festive season – but what if we told you your choice of Christmas decorations can actually reveal a lot about your personality?

Human behavioural expert Darren Stanton has taken a deep dive into our much-loved Christmas decor and reveals exactly what they tell other people about you.

From tinsel being, 'tacky' to the size of your tree is an indicator of whether you feel the need to 'overcompensate'. Darren, also reveals which decoration can secretly be a 'cry for attention.'

Darren also denotes how you can tell what your nearest and dearest really think of you simply by seeing where they've decided to put the Christmas card you sent them. 

See how Darren has picked apart some of our most common Christmas quirks, on behalf of UK coffee retailer Coffee Friend, and revealed what they tell other people about your personality.


The bigger your Christmas tree, the more you’re overcompensating

Darren says: “Are you the kind of person that chooses a very oversized tree that is way too big for your home? Doing so suggests you’re overcompensating and clearly have something to hide."

"You don’t want others to know the real you and hide behind the glitz and glamour of the tinsel and baubles decorating your tree.”

Overdoing it on the Christmas lights is a sign of craving attention

Darren says: “Covering your home top to bottom in Christmas lights is a sign of a very bold person, who is known for being outgoing and confident and isn’t afraid to say what they really think."

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"While you’re typically the life and soul of the party and people gravitate towards you, you crave to be the centre of attention.”

Choosing a fake tree over a real one is for the clean-obsessed who hate mess

Darren says: “Choosing an artificial tree at Christmas generally shows you are a very practical person and very well organised. Everything needs to be in its place and you don’t like a mess."

"When Christmas is all over, you’re the sort of person who wants things put away quickly and hates the thought of finding Pine needles for months on end.”

Tinsel is for the tacky

Darren says: “While fake Christmas trees are passable festive etiquette, experts have proclaimed tinsel is quite tacky and lacks taste."

"Less is more, but for some, a Christmas tree wouldn’t be the same without the glitter of tinsel. Whether you want to be in with the crowd or your own person – own your choice.”

Tree toppers fall into two camps – the charitable samaritan and the person who thinks they’re always right

Darren says: “Your Christmas tree topper can be a tell-tale sign of your personality, with two different types of person usually being displayed every year."

"If you’re the sort of person who opts for a very large star on the top of your tree, then you tend to have a strong personality and generally think you’re always right."

Choosing an artificial tree at Christmas generally shows you are a very practical person and very well organised. Everything needs to be in its place and you don’t like mess."

"You like to be someone in authority and see yourself as your own star on top of the tree – above everyone else. If you prefer to put an angel on top of the tree, you’re known for being charitable, kind and open-hearted and embracing the holiday season."

"People turn to you in times of crisis when they want solid advice from somebody who listens and genuinely cares.”

Giving and receiving Christmas cards is nothing but a popularity contest

Darren says: “Traditionally, Christmas cards were a sign of prosperity but these days it’s just a visible sign of how popular you are."

"Kicking people off your ‘Christmas card list’ is a clear sign they’ve fallen out of favour and displaying the cards you do get around the home means you’re competitive."

"Take note of where your Christmas card is placed – close friends and family are usually found pride of place on the mantelpiece, while more unpopular friends are given the boot to more obscure locations around the house.”

Leaving your Christmas decorations up until the very last minute is a sign of nostalgia

Darren says: “Christmas decorations are a de-stressor and an annual tradition many people find very therapeutic."

!For those that never want Christmas to end and leave their decorations up until the very last minute, way beyond the typical period of time, it’s because they’re usually a reminder of happier times and prompt feelings of nostalgia for past times and lost loved ones.”

"Kicking people off your ‘Christmas card list’ is a clear sign they’ve fallen out of favour and displaying the cards you do get around the home means you’re competitive."

More on Christmas…My neighbours keep complaining about my Christmas lights – they even called our housing association – I won’t be bullied.

For more on festivities…I make a full Christmas dinner with turkey, all the trimmings, starter & pud for just £2.50 a pop thanks to these tips.

You’ve been decorating your Christmas Tree all wrong – Here are the five top tips for making the perfect Xmas Tree.

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