FROM swimming lessons and bedtimes to household chores, hands-on dad and IT worker Kapil Manwani, 35, does almost everything for his daughter Mysha, four, while his wife Laveena, 34, works long hours.

The couple live in Southampton and Laveena, who also works in IT, says:

Here, the couple tell us how they split their duties and why it works for them.

Laveena says: “I married Kapil in 2015 through an arranged marriage.

“We hit it off immediately and had so much in common, including how much we both wanted to be parents.

“When Mysha was born, I took a few months off on maternity leave.


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“But when I went back to work I found it a massive struggle.

“In my job, I travel hundreds of miles a week and I was getting home in the evening, exhausted.

“Kapil was juggling working himself with looking after Mysha.

“When I got home, I did the cooking, bath and bedtime.

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“I soon felt burnt out and I wasn’t giving 100 per cent to my work or my family.

“We struggled through but when Mysha was 18 months old, Kapil said, 'I can do more.'

“Kapil was working from home more and he made sure Mysha was fed before I got home, took over bath time and spent more time with her in the evenings.

“It meant I could travel for work and come home without the stress of knowing how much I still had to do.

“The transition wasn’t easy at first.

“To start with, our friends and family thought our set-up was strange, but it works for us.

“Now, I get home from work and Mysha is bathed and ready for bed.

“Kapil takes her to swimming club and makes sure her toys are tidied away and the washing is done.

“The only thing he can’t do for me is cook because it isn’t his strong point.

“But he’ll order food for me so I have something after a long day.

“Now Mysha is at school, Kapil works between home and the office, so he’s around for the school runs.

“I don’t feel guilty about not being around as much as he is because we have the best of both worlds.

“When I’m home, I do my share.

“I cook and spend quality time with Mysha.

“With our set-up, she sees a mum and dad who can both work and still love her equally.

“Many kids don’t see a lot of their dads because they’re out at work but Kapil and Mysha’s relationship is really close, which I love."

Kapil says: “It wasn’t easy taking over as the main parent at first.

“It was a different kind of ‘work’ than I was used to.

“I struggled sometimes and learnt on the job but I slowly got the hang of it.

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“It’s tiring but so rewarding and as a result, we are really close.

“She’s always with someone who loves her, not a babysitter or in paid childcare, while Laveena can still pursue her career.”

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