MUM-OF-ONE Emily Anderson, from Nottingham, normally never drinks… until Christmas Day.

Then she boozes away with the best of ‘em – starting at 5am. 

People say it’s bonkers, but she is PROUD. 

The 25-year-old event planner now shares her story with Fabulous.

REACHING for a painkiller, I quickly swallow it down.

My head is pounding and I desperately need more sleep – but I’m not sick. Instead I have the mother of all hangovers. 

I’m suffering from what I’ve termed ‘Boxing Day despair’. It’s all my own fault… but I’m proud. 

It started yesterday morning at 5am when I cracked open the Bucks Fizz. By 9.30am I was drunk and missed Christmas dinner – people said it was ‘sad’ but I didn’t care. 

I work all year, planning events from parties to hen dos and stags for other people.  It means I never normally get the chance to drink.

I miss the laughter, jokes, freedom and not having to bother about cleaning up.  After covid, hospitality staff worked even harder and earned our money even more.

I see everyone else getting smashed and having fun while I’m always sober, having to laugh at their boozy jokes.

Then, at the end of the night, I don’t scurry off home in a taxi – rather I spend two hours  ensuring all the guests are safely home, the venues and staff paid and everyone is happy.

So, for me, Christmas is the one day I can cut loose. My mum and relatives plan the big day. It’s the one time I let someone else control an event.

And being drunk by 9am is a treat I won’t apologise for – even if people think it’s silly. The ‘Bucks Fizz buzz’, as I love to call it, helps me sail through the day, not get involved in arguments and smile when I get presents I can never use.

I always stay at my 51-year-old mum's home in Nottingham on Christmas Eve.

That means we all celebrate Christmas under one roof,

I wake up at 4.45am which is before even the kids get up. I have to start cooking and it’s the only time I have to sit quietly and enjoy my first glass of Champagne and orange juice in peace.

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I admit I even necked Santa’s sherry which the kids have left out. I needed my ‘dutch courage’ for the big day. I reckon many people might be shocked but I bet half the country does the same thing.

I love popping on the kettle, making a cup of tea, cooking some bacon and eggs and pouring my Bucks Fizz. By 6am I will be onto my third glass and feeling buzzed and chilled.

The pile of potatoes to peel and last night’s washing up to do doesn't seem too intimidating, it looks fine thanks to my slightly pickled state.

By 7am the kids will be arguing over gifts and adults start grumbling about being woken up and not being able to cope

I will watch with pride while my 14-month-old daughter opens her gifts. She’s surrounded by all her relatives and cousins By 11am all the family are up and the Champagne and ‘Christmas punch’ is flowing.

I’ll admit I will be finishing my second bottle of champers and starting my third. Nothing stresses me. If my older relatives offer me a sherry I won’t say no.

At midday with dinner cooking I sneak off for a 90-minute nap. And when I wake up and instead of enduring a post nap hangover I simply grab a glass of white and knock it back.

Come Boxing Day I am  battling a hangover but as usual  a fry up, red bull, vitamin C and ibuprofen fixes that.

People who say it’s irresponsible are wrong – it's harmless fun.

For more boozy tales, check out I’m a mum-of-one & this Christmas Day I’ll get up at 4am to drink – I’ll be smashed by 9am, I don’t care

See why I’m planning to ban booze from Christmas Day – it means people talk over films I want to watch and I just don’t like it

Try these easy tips to avoid a hangover this Christmas WITHOUT giving up booze – and how to instantly feel fresh the next day

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