A CLEANING whizz has shared the super simple hack she uses when mopping her floors which means she doesn't have to reuse any dirty water.

Posting on TikTok Samina Iltaf explained how she manages to get her floors sparkling clean and it makes so much sense.

We all know how gross the bucket of water can get when mopping floors that aren't even all that dirty to begin with.

But the keen cleaner's hack means you don't have to reuse any of that grim water.

Although Samina uses a Vivelda mop and bucket, any will do the trick

Fill up your bucket as normal, but also fill up a separate bucket, which you can place to the side of the main one to avoid spills.


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This means the clean, fresh water is separate from the used, dirty water.

So when Semina wets the mop she can dunk it in the clean water, but can get rid of excess dirty water into the other bucket.

The cleaning whizz told The Mirror: "Instead of mixing the mop into dirty water after every use I used a small bucket filled with warm clean water and floor cleaner.

"Once the area of the floor is moped nicely, I would then rinse out any dirty water left that I used in the first round.

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"I then go onto using the clean water washing the mop ready for round two, then rinsing it clean.

"This becomes less dirty as you can see the results are shown in the video."

Viewers were left stunned by the simple trick and couldn't believe they hadn't already thought of it.

One commented: "So simple, why have I never thought of this?

"Will be doing this from now on, off I go to clean my floors."

And a second said: "Makes so much sense."

A third quipped: "Genius!!"

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