Woody Harrelson has a recent history of being anti-vaccine. Maybe he’s always been an anti-vaxxer (chances are good) but the pandemic brought a new energy to his dangerous wingnuttery. Just last year, he suggested that he would never get a Covid vaccine, and that he never gets sick because of his diet. Then he spread some covid conspiracies during his SNL monologue last fall.

Well, enter Robert F. Kennedy Jr, a ratf–king GOP plant whose main cause is spreading Covid conspiracies and anti-vaccine propaganda. Or more specifically, let’s talk about Cheryl Hines, RFK Jr’s Hollywood wife, who uses her Hollywood connections to drum up support for her dangerously stupid husband. Most people don’t fall for whatever Cheryl is selling, but Woody fell for it. Hell, he probably already agreed with Robert Kennedy on everything. Cheryl posted this photo (above) on her Instagram. I think we should consider this as Woody’s endorsement of Cheryl’s husband. What a disappointment.

We called it years ago. And now it's in its end stages for some folks. https://t.co/Nz4OXcpcws

— Michael Paulauski (@mike10010100) August 11, 2023

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Instagram.

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