The Showtime series The First Lady begins this Sunday. I’m looking forward to it. I’m also intrigued with their selection for their premiere season. Michelle Obama, Betty Ford and Eleanor Roosevelt are smart choices, but maybe not the obvious ones. Of those, Michelle O is the boldest because she’s not only still alive, she’s so much in our social consciousness. But, considering they got the venerable Viola Davis to play her, I think we all feel safe with that choice. When Viola, who’s a producer, stopped by Jimmy Kimmel Live! to talk about the series, he asked her how they selected these three for this first series. But then he interrupted her before she answered to make some stupid joke about him playing Melania, redirecting the spotlight to himself and she didn’t get to answer the question.

When she came out for the segment, Jimmy complimented Viola on her amazing green velvet suit, which she was completely rocking. Viola said someone had dressed her and was grateful the suit fit because apparently not much does these days. She told Jimmy that when she hit 56, bulges and bumps came out of nowhere – and that’s with working out.

Oscar-winning actress Viola Davis dropped by Jimmy Kimmel Live! on Monday to promote her new Showtime series, The First Lady. While she was there she also discussed her struggles with managing her weight.

“I turn 56, and I don’t know what fits anymore,” Davis said. “That’s when it hit. Everything gets wider, bulgier and here’s the thing, I work out.”
Davis eats well and exercises regularly to maintain what she believes is a healthy weight. That being said, she sometimes is shocked at what the scale reads when she steps on it.

“I get on the scale,” she said. “I look at it. I get back off. I get back on. I get off. And then I’ll even take a hair pin out of my hair. I’ll put it on the side. I get back on. And by that time I’m mad as hell.”

[From Yahoo!]

Whereas what Viola is saying is true, I think the age varies from person to person. I’ve already had this moment and I haven’t turned 56 yet. But yes, I remember putting on the exact same wardrobe from the same closet I’d been dressing out of for years, and suddenly nothing fit the way it was supposed to. I blamed nasty gremlins for altering my clothes while slept, but maybe it was age. And like Viola, I maintain an exercise routine. Probably not as rigorous as I should, but I do keep active and watch my eating habits. I admit that, like Viola, I still live by a scale. I also believe any and everything will affect the number on that scale, like wet hair or heavy thoughts (okay, that one’s a joke). But here’s the other side of that weird coin, we only have those judging eyes for ourselves. I look at Viola in that suit and think she looks stunning, just amazing. And then I think how I could never pull it off.

Viola spoke about the pandemic being especially hard for her. She talked about having a weekly Zoom with her girlfriends and trying to look her best going in. About five minutes later, she’d wonder why the hell she was trying to put up this front and whip off her “wig and skull cap” and just enjoy herself. I love Viola’s interviews, she’s so entertaining to listen to. And real. There were so many parts of her interview I knew exactly what she was talking about. I even got my kids the same money cards Viola got her daughter Genesis to teach them financial literacy.

Oh, and she got a dog named Bailey during the pandemic:

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