Whew, Prince William’s racist comments at a Ukrainian center were a two-day story. It might even be a 72 hour story. Even Keenshot didn’t get this much ink!! People are still putting the pieces together of exactly what happened, but here’s what everyone knows now: Richard Palmer of the Daily Express was the pool reporter at Wednesday’s event at the Ukrainian center. Palmer reported William’s comments this way: “He said Britons were more used to seeing conflict in Africa and Asia. ‘It’s very alien to see this in Europe. We are all behind you,’ he said. But he added that he, like many, wanted to do more to help. ‘We feel so useless,’ he said.” William got absolutely roasted as a racist throughout the day and evening Wednesday, and throughout Thursday, #PrinceWilliamIsARacist was still trending on Twitter.
On Thursday, an ITV journalist posted her video from the event, in which William is overheard saying: “Everyone is horrified by what they are seeing. The news every day, it’s almost unfathomable. For our generation, it’s very alien to see this in Europe. We’re all right behind you.” Within that one statement, he did not reference Asia or Africa, but he absolutely said “For our generation, it’s very alien to see this in Europe,” which is ahistorical bullsh-t. Palmer then went to the Press Association and asked them to change his pool reporting, and Palmer offered this passive-voiced explanation on his Twitter: “He doesn’t appear to have compared it to conflicts in Africa and Asia. In the chaos, a remark he made was misheard, starting a social media storm. Apologies for reporting that online.” The “social media storm” is an understatement, as other royal reporters attacked other journalists for reporting Palmer’s words. It was all a huge mess.
All in all, it was clear that on Thursday, Kensington Palace’s crack team of clowns was doing damage control and trying to contain the story and blame everyone else for William saying – on the record – that “For our generation, it’s very alien to see this in Europe.” We got to see the visible contract, as the wheels were put in motion on social media and through media-analysis pieces. Suddenly, legitimate outlets were running stories about the snafu and about the social media backlash against William. The Washington Post’s article was downright hilarious, as WaPo brought up Prince Philip’s many racist “gaffes” and described William as “second in line to the throne of a country with a long colonial history.” LMAO. Not only that, WaPo spoke to someone in Kensington Palace AND they quoted Robert Jobson, who absolutely made it worse.
Robert Jobson, royal editor at the London Evening Standard, told The Washington Post on Thursday that he was confident William’s statement “has been taken out of context.” Jobson described William as “an educated man,” adding: “I am sure he didn’t mean it to be racist.”
Jobson noted that “to have a war in Europe to most Europeans is unfamiliar and deeply troubling,” he said.
“Perhaps he was simply trying to say, albeit clumsily, that this war in Ukraine feels very close to home, as he was only a small child when the Bosnia conflict started and this is perhaps his first experience of such terrible conflict happening in Europe during his adulthood.”
In response to an inquiry regarding the social media storm, Kensington Palace pointed to a correction run by the U.K wire service PA Media and a transcript shared by ITV. “We do not have anything on the record to add at this time,” the palace said.
[From WaPo]
They’re sh-tting bricks at KP. He Who Incandescents must be punching walls and throwing desk chairs. And I have to wonder, maybe this would be a moment for a clarification and apology from William? It could be as simple as a tweet and the royal reporters would lap it up. As for Jobson’s comments… William is just months away from his 40th birthday. For such an “educated” grown-ass man to be so uneducated about the RECENT history of Europe is pretty concerning, and infantilizing William doesn’t help matters. “I am sure he didn’t mean it to be racist”!!! Ah, yes, many racist people don’t intend to be racist, it just…happens. Sometimes, you have to blame “African overpopulation” for putting pressure on wildlife. Sometimes, you have to lie and say that you’re very much not a racist family even though there’s ample evidence to the contrary. It’s all about racist intentions, not racist words or racist behaviors or racist smear campaigns.
Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.
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