We’ve already heard a LOT of wild stories from the forthcoming memoir Spare. But this is by far the most fantastical. Prince Harry claims to have reached beyond the grave to speak to the ghost of his dear, departed mum.

The young Duke was overcome with grief for Princess Diana, who passed away tragically when he was just 12 years old. He writes in the book that he drove through the tunnel where she died multiple times, just in an attempt to understand. Heartbreaking.

Because he’d never gotten to speak to her as an adult, he eventually got a little desperate — and he reached out to a woman who “claimed to have ‘powers’”. While he doesn’t say when this happened, it was fairly recent. He makes clear it was after his and Meghan Markle‘s son Archie was already a toddler, so some time in the past couple years — and likely in California.

Apparently the woman, whom Harry does not name, was recommended by friends. The Prince went in as a skeptic. He never uses the words “psychic” or “medium” to describe this woman and writes that he “recognised the high-percentage chance of humbuggery” at play. “Humbuggery”? Damn, Harry! You kiss your ghost mom with that mouth? LOLz!

Skeptic or no, he was rather quickly made a convert. He writes:

“The minute we sat down together, I felt an energy around her.”

Whoa! He says she sensed something in him right away, as she told him:

“Your mother is with you.”

He replied:

“I know. I’ve felt that of late.”

She meant a little more than generally. She said Lady Di was there “right now” — causing Harry’s neck to heat up and his eyes to water. The mystic also told him that his mother knew he was “looking for clarity” and “had so many questions.” She told him she “feels your confusion.” She told him that Diana wanted him to know that the answers would come in time. For now, his mother didn’t want him to worry, with the psychic telling him:

“‘You’re living the life she couldn’t. You’re living the life she wanted for you.’”

Well. It’s very moving, and probably just what he’d want to hear. But frankly we probably could have figured out to say that, just based on news coverage. Prince Harry felt the same doubts, apparently, because he asked for some sort of “proof. A sign. Anything.”

Earlier in the book, he told a story about how Archie had accidentally smashed a Christmas ornament of Queen Elizabeth. This woman floated to him:

“Your mother says … something about a Christmas ornament? Of a mother? Or a grandmother? It fell? Broke?”

Harry was surprised — and convinced. He told her:

“Archie tried to fix it.”

He writes that she replied:

“Your mother says she had a bit of a giggle about that.”

He doesn’t share any more of the conversation with his late mother’s spirit, nor does he reveal whether he went back. But it sounds like he got the reassurance he was looking for.

What do YOU think about this supernatural encounter??

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