Rick Riordan, the author of the beloved “Percy Jackson” book series, is sharing his thoughts on the movie adaptations.

The 56-year-old writer slammed the film franchise and said that he decided to never watch the films after reading the scripts.

Someone tweeted over the weekend asking if Disney+ censored a scene in Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief. Rick responded by saying, “I don’t know, but clearly it’s a mistake. They should censor the entire thing. Just two hours of blank screen.”

A fan of the books responded and said that it’s “refreshing” to see that Rick hates the movies more than fans.

“Well, to you guys, it’s a couple hours entertainment. To me, it’s my life’s work going through a meat grinder when I pleaded with them not to do it. So yeah. But it’s fine. All fine. We’re gonna fix it soon…” he replied.

If you didn’t know, Rick is turning Percy Jackson into a television series for Disney+.

He concluded his tweets by saying, “Finally, I still have not seen the movies, and don’t plan on ever doing so. I judge them from having read the scripts, because I care most about the story. I certainly have nothing against the very talented actors. Not their fault. I’m just sorry they got dragged into that mess.”

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