Nathan Griffith is not messing around.

And Jenelle Evans better take note.

Indeed, while the former Teen Mom star has been parading around and celebrating ever since a judge ordered her kids get returned to her custody, Griffith has been plotting and stewing.

After having had five-year old Kaiser in his care for about a month while Evans attended court hearings and argued that she deserved to get him back, Nathan isn't content now to just sit back and let Jenelle raise the child on her own.

Especially not in light of the way she's been acting toward him.

Meaning what, exactly?

Scroll down to see what Griffith just said about his custody battle with Evans — and how he has no plans to put an end to it until he comes out on top.

1.Jenelle and Nathan Do NOT Get Along

2.Griffith Loves Kaiser

3.And Now That He's Lost Kaiser Again?

4.This is What He Tweeted After Evans Was Awarded Kaiser by a Judge:

5.But There Was More:

6.Nathan is Asking for Your Help

Wait! There’s more Nathan Griffith: Jenelle Evans Won’t Let Me See Our Son… And She Will Pay for This! Just click “Next” below:

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