Natalie Nunn has posted a video of Cardi B rapping, and added that she "felt" the lyrics, which could be a thinly-veiled dig at the cheating claims against her and Dan Osborne .

The actress, 34, reposted the video of Cardi to her Instagram account, with the caption: "Bruhhhhhh SAY THAT S**T FOR THESE BUM H**S IN THE BACK SIS I FELT THIS S**T LOLL HAHAHAHAHH".

In the video, Cardi raps in what looks like her kitchen, saying lyrics including: "Whack h**s I don't address that.

"I never stress that.

"These bum b*****s is broke, and I don't respect that."

It comes as Natalie has implied Dan is a liar following his grovelling public apology to I'm a Celeb winner Jacqueline Jossa over the cheating claims that have plagued him.

Model Chloe Ayling claimed he had a threesome with her and Natalie, while Jacqueline's campmate Myles Stephenson also told her he thought Dan had cheated on her with Love Island's Gabby Allen .

Dan has denied these allegations, which came to light while Jacqueline was in the jungle.

Yesterday he made a public statement which said: "So after weeks, months, years of constant articles & rumours, some true, some very untrue. I want to publicly say, I know I have made mistakes, we all do as humans, but I've made some that have almost cost me my family.

  • Natalie Nunn snogs husband in street but he still ditches wedding ring amid Dan Osborne threesome claims

  • Dan Osborne issues grovelling public apology to Jacqueline Jossa over his 'mistakes'

"I have seriously learnt from these massively, so I want to publicly apologise to my beautiful wife and my family for the mistakes I've made.

"I am the luckiest man in the world to have what I have with Jacqueline and my three incredible children and I will spend the rest of my life being the best husband and dad that I can be."

It concluded by saying him and Jacqueline are "stronger than ever".

Immediately afterwards, Natalie posted a quote which implied Dan had lied to her after he met up with her and Natalie's now-estranged husband, Jacob Payne.

It said: "Be careful of those who look you in the eye and lie."

The Sun On Sunday reported Dan asked Natalie to set the record straight on social media about the cheating claims when the three of them met up.

An onlooker said: “It looked like an awkward meeting. Dan seemed to act super-friendly at first. He was laughing and joking, like nothing had happened."

“Jacob then made it clear he was there to find out exactly what happened that night.

“Dan gave his account of that night but he denied they ever went into the hotel or had sex."

Jacqueline also appeared on Lorraine yesterday, and claimed she'd given him "two years of hell" to make him pay for the rumours.

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