Michael Caine

Michael Caine doesn’t get why actors need extra help navigating sex scenes in the 21st century — reminiscing on the old days when … thespians just faked orgasms like that. 🫰

The knighted actor spilled his unconventional thoughts to the Daily Mail this weekend — this during an interview in which they were discussing his latest flick “The Great Escaper,” which MC says may well be his last movie at his ripe old age.

As they chatted, the topic of #MeToo came up … specifically as it pertains to intimacy coordinators — a role on sets that really grew and became mainstream post-2016.

Here’s what Mikey had to say about it … “Really? Seriously? What are they? We never had that in my day. Thank god I’m 90 and don’t play lovers anymore is all I can say.”

He adds, “In my day you just did the love scene and got on with it without anyone interfering. It’s all changed.” MC wasn’t done just yet though … he gave his opinion on political correctness at large, saying … “[I]t’s dull. Not being able to speak your mind and not being able to call anyone ‘darling.'”

With that said, Michael also says he likes learning from friends who are younger than him.

It’s an interesting sentiment — if not a little outdated. Fact is, modern-day actors have been singing the praises of intimacy coordinators for years now … saying they’re incredibly helpful in making the cast and crew more comfortable, not to mention ensuring safety on set.

Funny enough … Sir Kane hasn’t really been in any explicit sex scenes in his career, so it’s a little weird that he’s boasting about times of old. Sure, there was “Alfie” — but the dude never simulated the deed in that flick … just a lot implied lovin’ and aftermath scenes. 😅

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