Upon its release in January of 2021, the Netflix reality television show Bling Empire was a hit. The show, which was billed as the real-life version of Crazy Rich Asians, revolved around the daily happenings of wealthy and influential Asian people living in Los Angeles. International DJ, model, and actress Kim Lee had one of the more heartbreaking storylines throughout the show as she searched for her long-lost father, only to find out that he had died two years previously. “I did not expect to find out that he had passed away,” Lee told Vice. “It was very tough because, at that time, I felt like I didn’t have time to heal and grieve. It was a lot to just continue filming.”
Aside from being an international DJ (she was nicknamed the “Asian Calvin Harris” while on Bling Empire), Lee actually got her start as a model. She has modeled for luxury designers, like Marc Jacobs, both on and off the runway. In addition to small acting bits on television shows like Entourage and CSI, Lee has actually appeared on other reality shows aside from Bling Empire. Back in 2013, Lee and her DJ friend, Pharreal Phương, appeared on The Amazing Race Vietnam (per Vice). Then, after gaining recognition for being skilled in “blending the likes of A$AP Rocky and Rich Brian with Carnage and Yaeji,” Lee became the host of Yo! MTV Raps on MTV Asia in 2019 (via MTV Asia).
Kim Lee's bank balance reflects her international star status
While Kim Lee was not as flashy with her funds when compared to her Bling Empire co-stars, her bank account is certainly worthy of her star status. According to Marie Claire Australia, the multi-talented Bling Empire star is worth an estimated $10 million. It seems as though this net worth is in contention, however, as Celebrity Net Worth estimates her net worth to be only $500,000.
As a DJ, Celebrity Net Worth reported that Lee can earn as much as $50,000 for a set in East Asia, where she has amassed a large and faithful following. Lee has also earned some of her wealth from appearances on the aforementioned films and television shows, though it isn’t known how much she received for each project. It is also unclear how much the stars of Bling Empire were paid to appear on the show (though we’re guessing that there was little resistance to being asked to showcase their wealth to the masses).
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