John Boyega has issued a apology after he made some comments that fans took to be a dig at his Star Wars co-star Kelly Marie Tran.

If you missed it, Kelly Marie Tran quit social media in June of 2018 after being harassed.

John was then asked in a new interview by Variety, “There’s a sort of double edged sword there. You can get really great engagement. But then there’s what happened with Kelly [Marie Tran] about the small subset people who are very vocal and very negative, and having to navigate that.”

John responded, “Through social media, we get to engage, we get to have fun. But at the same time, for those who are not mentally strong, you are weak to believe in every single thing that you read. That’s, you know, it is what it is. I don’t know, for me anyway, when I see that [backlash], I’m like, well, that’s actually not true. But no, it is actually not true.”

After he said this, people thought John was referring to Kelly as “weak to believe in every single thing that you read.”

On Thursday (December 12), John posted a series of tweets apologizing.

“In no way was I referring to Kelly when I made my comments although the interviewer mentioned her given the topic. I was really speaking from my own perspective throughout this franchise. Sometimes I’ve felt strong and sometimes I’ve felt weak. Badly worded though. I apologize,” he wrote. “My comments on Kelly specifically and online harassment remains the same via a tweet I put out a few years ago.”

Click to see the tweet John put out “a few years ago”…

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