There are many reasons we wish the pandemic would come to an end, but not dealing with any ridiculous anti-masker BS is a big one.

In the latest nonsensical anti-masking demonstration, former Miss California Carrie Prejean Boller (wife of ex-NFL quarterback Kyle Boller) has apparently been handing out $5 bills to kids for not wearing masks. Her entire Instagram feed is filled with right-wing COVID rage, but her frequent “muzzle-free patrols” at big-box stores like Target and Home Goods are the piece de resistance of her anti-mask “activism.”

As reported by Rolling Stone, in one IG Story she preached to a young girl:

“Tomorrow when you go to school unmasked, your heart’s gonna be racing and you’re gonna be nervous. But I want you to know you’re doing the right thing. Don’t ever, ever question it. …. You’re a leader. You’re the next Rosa Parks. You’re the next Martin Luther King. This is so important that you stand.”

Comparing Black civil rights to whining about masks?!? She’s got to be kidding…

A post shared by Carrie Prejean Boller (@carrieprejeanboller)

Sadly, she appears to be dead serious about the entire endeavor. Last August, the former pageant queen went viral for a San Diego school board rant, in which she said:

“I’m a mama bear and I know there’s a lot of mama bears here tonight, and no one’s gonna mess with our cubs… And tonight I’m simply here to tell you to unmask our children. We’re done begging. In fact, we’re done asking for permission. We are gonna be unmasking our children today.”

Wow. How courageous of her. (Can you sense us rolling our eyes?) Of course, this isn’t the first time Carrie took a stand with a controversial stance…

Per Rolling Stone, the 34-year-old has peddled her anti-mask platform into gigs speaking at conservative rallies and “hobnobbing with far-right influencers like Lauren Boebert and Madison Cawthorn at Mar-a-Lago.” Beyond encouraging shoppers to go maskless, she’s also filmed herself “harassing salespeople at Apple and Barnes and Noble who attempt to enforce mask policies, giving a staff member at the latter a copy of The Constitution for Dummies.”

A post shared by Carrie Prejean Boller (@carrieprejeanboller)

For the record, Carrie took issue with the Rolling Stone piece about her. She accused them of being “factually wrong” for reporting that she was paying people to take off masks, rather than “rewarding” them for doing so… which definitely seems like splitting hairs to us. (And BTW, $5 is a pretty cheap reward for taking off your mask. That won’t even cover the cost of an at-home test, let alone the medical attention you’d need if you got a serious case.)

A post shared by Carrie Prejean Boller (@carrieprejeanboller)

She also demanded the reporter give her “the ‘positivity’ and ‘daily case’ numbers for Americans under age 18 as well as the current Covid-related risks for that age group” (per Rolling Stone, people under 18 comprise 18.3 percent of positive Covid-19 cases in California) as well as “any statistically significant data showing the benefits of children wearing medical or cloth masks” (The Mayo Clinic has a list, but off the top of our heads, slowing the continued spread of the virus is a big one).

The momma has frequently spread misinformation about coronavirus, particularly its effects on children; one of her posts claimed that “More kids have died” from the vaccine than the virus. Per USA Today, the vaccine has not been linked to any deaths at all, while “Over 700 children have died due to COVID-19 in the United States,” according to Dr. Sonja Rasmussen, a professor in the departments of pediatrics and epidemiology at the University of Florida.

All we can say is… if you’re one of the people who insists on “doing your own research,” please, find a source other than an ex-runner up for Miss USA. BTW, there’s currently an indoor mask mandate in California until February 15, 2022.

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