Ewan McGregor is sharing his ghost story!

While making an appearance on Late Night with Seth Meyers on Wednesday (February 5), the 48-year-old actor told a very creepy story about a paranormal encounter from his 20s when he was staying in student housing while his classmates were away for Easter and Passover.

“I was suddenly struck with this pain on my back. I ripped off my robe, and there was a big black burn mark on the back of my robe,” Ewan recalled. “I looked at the robe again and now I see the whole back of the robe was singed dark brown and then this black burn mark on my shoulder blade. So, I freaked out. I got out of there and went to spend my birthday with my Uncle Dennis.”

When Ewan came back, he discovered that one of his fellow students, a neighbor downstairs, had returned so, he told him what happened and Ewan was then told about a man who used to occupy the neighbor’s apartment. Apparently, the man was “an old, reclusive guy” who “never went out.” The man’s brother would reportedly bring him hot meals two to three times a week. However, there was one weekend when the brother got sick and didn’t come.

“The gentleman was boiling kettle in his kitchen, and he was so hungry that he fainted,” Ewan continued. “The kettle set fire to his kitchen and he was burned on his back, dragged out of the house and he died of his burns to his back.”

Ewan decided to leave his room and spend the night in his neighbor’s apartment instead. When he walked in, he joked that the place was “as dusty as when the old man used to live here.” That’s when the “ceiling came down like in a wave.”

Ewan also talked to Seth about his confusion over the caucus system and talks about playing Black Mask in his new film Birds of Prey.


Click inside to watch more of Ewan McGregor’s appearance on Late Night…

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