The press tour for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker is thoroughly underway, and after inadvertently sparking a mild backlash on Twitter after denying she has any form of privilege in an interview, lead actress Daisy Ridley has expressed perhaps an even more controversial point of view: she’s immune to the charms of Leonardo DiCaprio.

Yeah, Daisy Ridley messed up here. The middle of her Guardian interview is actually painful.

During a segment on BBC Radio 1, a listener called in to confess her unpopular opinion, namely that she personally doesn’t get the appeal of Leonardo DiCaprio.

“Do you know what… I kind of agree,” says Ridley, to which her co-star John Boyega exclaims in surprise: “Expelliarmus!”

“You know the only time I ever though ‘Oh, OK’ is when it’s the rain scene in The Great Gatsby,” she continues.

“Nah, I think you’re both lying,” says Boyega, rushing to DiCaprio’s defense. “Leo’s about that life. Leo walks up to you in a building, tells you that you that, ‘You know what, I’m going to take you out for a drink, have a conversation about, you know, the planet’… I know you’re going. You going for sure. Are you saying no?”

Sensing she has accidentally appeared to have dug quite a deep hole, Ridley elaborates on her position. “I see women as more attractive though,” she says. “Like, I didn’t have a guy crush growing up, like a famous guy crush, yeah. But there were so many women where I was like ‘oh my god, gorgeous.'” She clarifies that her girl crushes were “more in sort of an idol way,” including singers like Pink and Anastacia.

“But Leonardo DiCaprio was, you know, legit,” insists Boyega.

Of course, Ridley is 27 years old, so safely out of the Dating DiCaprio zone (he famously never been romantically linked to a woman over the age of 25), and it’s entirely possible their paths won’t cross in the future: as the segment draws to a close, she jokes that she probably “will never work with him” now.

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