TALK OF THE TOWN: Do your bit for birth control, chaps! Carrie Johnson’s best friend raises eyebrows as she says her call for men to consider the snip was inspired by Sex and the City

I am fascinated to learn of the latest crusade by Carrie Johnson’s best friend Nimco Ali – a fearless activist and the Independent Government Adviser for Tackling Violence Against Women and Girls.

Acknowledging that it is a ‘radical view’, Nimco says all men should be encouraged to have vasectomies.

And she is steadfast in her reasoning – saying too few chaps can be trusted to take their share of responsibility for birth control.

‘There is so much pressure put on women,’ she tells me, ‘and not men, who can actually get someone pregnant several times a day.’

The solution is for more men to go under the knife, according to Nimco. It may – or may not – be a consolation for them that she says they can always put their sperm on ice.

Carrie Johnson’s best friend Nimco Ali (pictured together, above) – a fearless activist and the Independent Government Adviser for Tackling Violence Against Women and Girls says all men should be encouraged to have vasectomies

She tells me the idea was partly inspired by a scene in the hit US TV show Sex And The City, when Charlotte finds out she can’t get pregnant and then complains about the irony that she’s been pumping herself with contraceptive drugs since she was aged 16 to stop herself becoming pregnant.

Nimco says: ‘This idea that women are always fertile is a fallacy. Actually women are only fertile three days a month. Men are fertile every day.’

She says she was also motivated by her painful experience of the coil, which she described as being like ‘root canal without anaesthesia’.

No one should underestimate her resolve nor her lobbying power. 

Aside from being Carrie’s closest chum, she is a redoubtable campaigner, awarded the OBE by the Queen for her work fighting against female genital mutilation.

She tells me the idea was partly inspired by a scene in the hit US TV show Sex And The City, when Charlotte finds out she can’t get pregnant and then complains about the irony that she’s been pumping herself with contraceptive drugs since she was aged 16 to stop herself becoming pregnant

But fearful men can perhaps comfort themselves that the policy may be a step too far for at least one member of Nimco’s circle – Boris Johnson, whose procreative achievements led one critic to describe him as ‘dementedly priapic’. His first child with Carrie, Wilfred, (pictured together above) is Nimco’s godchild

But fearful men can perhaps comfort themselves that the policy may be a step too far for at least one member of Nimco’s circle – Boris Johnson, whose procreative achievements led one critic to describe him as ‘dementedly priapic’.

Indeed, Lord Ashcroft claimed in his book First Lady: Intrigue At The Court Of Carrie And Boris Johnson, serialised in The Mail on Sunday, that one of the Prime Minister’s most senior advisers warned that, if he ‘intended to stay with Carrie’ he should take appropriate action and ‘have a vasectomy’.

No 10 has disputed this. Either way, it’s safe to say he didn’t follow this advice.

Already the father of at least five children, he’s had two more with Carrie – the first of them being Wilfred, Nimco’s godchild.

Samantha Cameron marked five years of her fashion firm Cefinn last week – an admirable landmark given it has yet to turn a profit and needed a £2.6 million cash injection from Tory Party donor Lord Brownlow to keep it afloat.

Sam, 50, omitted those details but she did take to social media to praise her team, saying there had been ‘so many highs as well as a few lows, lots of firsts, lasts and learning’.

Samantha Cameron (pictured) marked five years of her fashion firm Cefinn last week – an admirable landmark given it has yet to turn a profit and needed a £2.6 million cash injection from Tory Party donor Lord Brownlow to keep it afloat

She also thanked her loyal customers who don’t baulk at price tags such as £390 for a leather-panelled midi skirt or a casual green dress.

Meanwhile, a close source tells me that Sam’s daughter Nancy, 18, is hoping to follow in her mother’s footsteps with a career in fashion and even set up her own clothing business. 

‘Nancy’s been designing her own clothes since she was a kid,’ the source assures me. Perhaps the pair should join forces one day and take the catwalk by storm.

The things some people do for their pets. 

Photographer-to-the-stars Rankin has alerted me to a new trend he has noticed in the homes of his well-heeled friends: pimping their lavatory seat with a picture of their dog. 

Although I pressed Rankin to reveal the identities of the A-listers, he preferred to… er, keep a lid on it. 

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