While their romance doesn’t start when the camera is still rolling as they compete in season 23 of the long-running CBS show, the couple admits to being attracted to each other while on the show.

AceShowbiz -“Big Brother” stars Derek Xiao and Claire Rehfuss may not take home the prize, but they have found love in each other after competing in season 23 of the show. On Thursday, October 14, the 24-year-old start-up founder and 25-year-old AI engineer confirmed that they are now dating.

“I think that we both really felt the chemistry once we got to jury house and could really connect with each other,” Claire revealed to Us Weekly in a joint interview. “We would stay up late talking every single night and we just really developed a bond.”

Recalling the first time when he felt the chemistry, Derek shared, “I remember the first or second night that she was there, we stayed up all night just talking until 5:00 A.M. That happened every single night for the first, like, five days. That’s when I started really thinking like, ‘Wait a second, why didn’t this happen in the house? There’s such a strong connection and chemistry between us.’ I think that was the beginning of us thinking about what this could be.”

While their romance didn’t start when the camera was still rolling, they admitted to being attracted to each other while on the show. “I knew from week one that Claire was my type,” Derek said. “I guess I just never let myself explore that beyond just a friendship. I mean, you saw what happened to Alyssa [Lopez] and Christian [Birkenberger] week one. For me, despite getting taken out very early on (laughs), I did want to win that game. … I knew that if I let myself, I would just fall for Claire in the house.”

Claire then revealed that as soon as they were not competing, the two, who both lives in New York, started exploring their relationship. “Once you’re off camera, that’s when you really, really get to know who a person is and you can really be vulnerable and you can really be open and really talk about a lot of things from your life,” she shared, to which Derek added, “I feel like I know Claire better than I know a lot of my best friends.”

As for how their fellow houseguests reacted to their relationship, Claire said, “The other houseguests were very aware of what was happening.” She continued, “Me and Alyssa were roommates in jury. She was like my confidante. Everyone else was also helping us try to get around the jury house managers. So everyone in the jury house basically knew what was happening. It wasn’t like a dirty little secret in the boat house or anything. It was very fun.”

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