Ben Affleck really outdid himself with his early Valentine's Day gift for Jennifer Lopez.

Rather than buying her jewelry or an expensive car, Ben got super sentimental and made her something instead. On Saturday, Jen shared in her newsletter, On the JLo, that Ben created a personalized music video to her song "On My Way" from her new movie Marry Me. In the 4-minute clip, Ben included photos and videos of the couple from their relationship back in the early 2000s and ended it with a kissing selfie of the pair from present day.

"I am going to share something very special and personal with you that normally that I would only share with my inner circle," she told subscribers about the video. "It's an early Valentine's Day present from Ben. Watching it made me think about the journey of true love, its unexpected twists and turns, and that when it's real, it actually can last forever." She added, "This seriously melted my heart."

Lopez and Affleck first got engaged in November 2002, but ultimately ended things two years later. They rekindled their relationship last spring, and have been going strong ever since.

Earlier this month, J.Lo spoke about getting a second chance at love with Ben, and what they learned about themselves since splitting in 2004. "It's a beautiful love story that we got a second chance," Lopez told People. "Before we kind of put [our relationship] out there and we were naive and it got a little trampled. We're older now, we're smarter, we have more experience, we're at different places in our lives, we have kids now, and we have to be very conscious of those things. We're so protective because it is such a beautiful time for all of us."

She continued, "I just feel very happy and lucky to be in a relationship that's happy and loving, and I want to do everything I can to protect that and keep it safe. It deserves that, it really does. … We hold it sacred."

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