It’s finally here!

The Sex and the City reboot, And Just Like That…, was released on Thursday, and the first two episodes really packed a punch! Not only did the HBO Max series quickly explain the absence of Kim Cattrall’s Samantha Jones, but it also ended in a truly heart-wrenching plot twist!

Grab a cosmo ‘cause we’ve got some drinking explaining to do! And, as always, if you haven’t watched the first two episodes yet, SPOILERS AHEAD!

And Just Like That… kicks off with Carrie Bradshaw, Charlotte York, and Miranda Hobbes living their best lives in NYC. They just happen to be in their 50s this time around. But as good as things seem to be going for them all, something is clearly missing.

What Happened To Samantha?!

When the women run into old friend Bitsy von Muffling while waiting for a table at a restaurant, she wonders where Jones is. Charlotte (played by Kristin Davis) quickly responds:

“Oh, she’s no longer with us.”

Don’t freak out! As promised, Samantha is NOT dead. She’s just estranged from the friend group, Carrie (AKA Sarah Jessica Parker) adds:

“She’s in London.”

Later in the episode, Miranda (Cynthia Nixon) and Carrie discuss their missing friend again, at which point Miranda muses:

“You know, it is kind of like she’s dead… Samantha. We never even talk about her.”

Oof. Carrie doesn’t seem to have much sympathy for the detachment, sharing exactly WHY the friend group split apart:

“Well, what is there to say? I told her that because of, you know, what the book business is now, it just didn’t make sense for me to keep her on as a publicist. She said ‘fine’ and then fired me as a friend.”

While Miranda insists Samantha never “fired” Bradshaw as a friend, Carrie thinks otherwise seeing as she hasn’t returned any of her calls in which she reached out to try to “fix” the situation. Miranda suggest:

“You know Samantha. Her pride got damaged.”

Carrie then quips:

“Look, I understand that she was upset, but I thought I was more to her than an ATM.”

Yikes! Miranda then confirms:

“You are. She was embarrassed.”

Unfortunately, the feud isn’t just between Carrie and Samantha — none of the other girls have heard from her since she moved across the pond, and they’ve all sent texts and voicemails. Realizing how things have changed, Carrie admits:

“I always thought the four of us would be friends forever.”

So sad! But at least she’s not dead! Speaking of…

Mr. Big DIED??

In a shocking turn of events — and WAY worse than that divorce rumor that was swirling earlier this year — Mr. Big (played by Chris Noth) suffers a devastating heart attack at the end of the first episode.

The couple had planned to head to the Hamptons together, but they delayed their trip after Carrie decides to support Charlotte’s daughter Lily at her piano concert recital. Big stays behind to take a Peloton class. During his class, he texts Carrie to say that they should head to the Hamptons once she returns home. He then walks to the shower after his workout but feels a pain in his chest. He collapses to the floor, his phone falling out of reach. Oh, no!!!

After the recital, Carrie decides to head home rather than join her friend for a drink. She’s expecting to head off to the Hamptons but returns to an oddly quiet apartment. She searches the place for her husband until she finds him lying on the floor, just barely hanging on! Carrie cradles Big in her arms as he passes away. She then says in a voice-over:

“And just like that, Big died.”

UGH. How tragic!


In episode two, Carrie focuses on Big’s funeral. And while the storyline is filled with a sad goodbye, it also teases a possible reconciliation. The podcast host had been adamant that she didn’t want flowers on Big’s casket, so when she arrives at the ceremony to see just that, she’s initially very annoyed. The funeral directors hand her a note that accompanied the floral arrangement, which reads:

“Love, Samantha”

In a rash decision, Bradshaw decides to keep the flowers and takes the note as hope the friends could make up in the future. (Though we know that’s not as easy as it seems in the TV show.) Carrie sends Samantha a text to thank her for the kind gesture, but the new UK resident doesn’t respond.

Later, when Big’s ashes arrive at Carrie’s apartment, she calls Miranda and Stanford for company. The two of them and Charlotte had been taking turns staying the night with Carrie as she was having a hard time adjusting to her new normal. Charlotte arrives that night to find out she had not been called for help first, and she gets very upset. Carrie begs her friend not to make this about her, but Charlotte confesses that she feels guilty about the concert. The momma insists there’s “no reason” Carrie would call Stanford before her if she wasn’t mad. During the spat, Carrie makes it clear that she’s upset with herself, yelling:

“I should have gone to the Hamptons with Big on Wednesday night like I wanted to!”

But the duo ends the night knowing neither is mad at the other, just about the awful situation. Unfortunately, with emotions running high, Carrie struggles to fall asleep. She asks Miranda for a sleeping pill, but she has to wait five hours until she can take another. She lays in bed just waiting out the night, preparing for the lonely future ahead.

Phew… Is that what you were expecting And Just Like That to be like!? We thought we were in the clear of a big character death after the showrunner confirmed “nobody’s dead” just last week. Guess that was a lie!

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