A public hearing on Capitol Hill over continued funding for Israel was repeatedly interrupted by pro-Palestine protesters … who took turns standing up and shouting over Sec. of State Antony Blinken.

Blinken was trying to plead his case for further financial aid for Israel and Ukraine … and the former was the main focus for the demonstrators, who called for a ceasefire in the Middle East and painted their hands and arms red like blood.

Check it out … as Blinken tried getting his points out at the microphone, several different people in the gallery behind him kept standing up and calling Israel’s retaliation in Gaza a “genocide.”

It seems the outbursts might’ve been coordinated … as there were breaks in between each interruption.

All the while … there were a handful of folks in the crowd who had their hands raised, covered in the fake blood. Like we said, anytime someone got out of their seat and raised their voice, they were escorted out by law enforcement officials.

It speaks to the polarization this issue has caused here in the States — there’ve been countless pro-Palestine protests all throughout the country since the conflict started.

No signs of slowing down anytime soon. Israel is moving in on Gaza, proceeding with its ground operation as they seek to snuff out Hamas terrorists … and Palestinian civilians attempt to flee the violence.

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