UNFINISHED business: Top 20 things Brits leave undone… from finishing a book to learning to play an instrument – how many are YOU guilty of?

  • A new poll has revealed that Brits are a nation with a lot of unfinished business
  •  Research reveals that a whopping 91% of us admit we’re rushing through life

A new poll has revealed that Britain is a nation with a lot of unfinished business.

Whether it’s failing to finish a book to getting distracted while redecorating, Brits have a tendancy to abandon tasks before completing them.

Research has shown that a whopping 91% of us admit we’re rushing through life, rather than appreciating what it has to offer, meanwhile 80% of us say we’re even too busy to take the time out to enjoy our favourite activities and hobbies.

16% of Brits can’t even finish writing out a to-do list before getting bored and moving on to something else, never mind completing the actual tasks.

As for downtime, as many as 19% struggle to watch TV without getting distracted, with over half of people (52%) also admitting to falling asleep during an episode of their favourite show.

A new poll has revealed that Brits are a nation with a lot of unfinished business

35% struggle to finish a film after putting it on and a huge 45% of people in the UK have admitted to starting books but not reaching the ending.

Household chores such as cleaning the fridge (18%) and windows (19%) are often abandoned halfway through.

A further 87% of people say they regularly start a task and then fail to finish it, getting distracted an average of four times a day.

Among the top reasons for losing interest in tasks and activities, were simply being too busy (26%), lack of concentration (36%), and juggling too many balls (22%).

Four in ten (41%) think there aren’t enough hours in the day to achieve everything they would like to, with 68% wishing there was more time. 

This attitude even extends to snacking, as 44% of those surveyed said they don’t even get time to finish a dessert and 10% don’t always get to finish a meal.

According to the research, Brits have to usually wait until around 8pm before they can finally put their feet up after a long day’s work. 

A further third (31%) of those surveyed feel pressure from Instagram and influencers to achieve the ‘unachievable,’ with 71% feeling pushed to always achieve things. 

Tidying is also a task that tends to get abandoned, with 35% of us starting to organise our rooms before giving up and moving onto something else.

On top of this, 32% fail to complete the task of sorting out the ‘messy drawer’ and 29% of us can’t get all the way through organising our  winter and summer wardrobe.

Whether it’s the guitar or the piano, lots of Brits have memories of attempting to learn a musical instrument, especially as children – however, 19% of us get bored and drop the hobby before we get anywhere with it.

A massive 57% of people even feel guilty taking a moment to appreciate the things around them. 

Michaela Hickey, Senior Brand Manager from Müller Yogurt & Desserts said: ‘The research shows that in today’s fast-paced world, the relentless busyness of life can sometimes make it feel like there’s hardly a moment to enjoy simple pleasures.

‘Our new campaign brings to life the extent people will go to in order to keep to their unique eating rituals and enjoy the last bit of their Müller. 

‘We’re on a mission to encourage the nation to appreciate every little moment of their day, loving every bit, in their own way.’

Things Brits have failed to complete

1. Reading a book – 45% 

2. Watching a film – 35%

3. Reorganising a bedroom – 35%

4. Tidying the messy drawer – 32%

5. Organising winter and summer wardrobe – 29%

6. Putting the washing away – 23%

7. Learning to play an instrument – 21%

8. Watching a TV programme – 19%

9. Cleaning the windows – 19%

10. Cleaning the fridge – 18%

11. Writing a to-do list – 16%

12. Repainting a room – 16%

13. Playing a board game – 15%

14. Vacuuming – 12%

15. Redecorating the living room – 12%

16. Shopping for clothes – 12%

17. Making a playlist – 11%

18. Writing a document for work – 10%

19. Eating a meal – 10%

20. Mowing the garden – 9%

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