DEAR DEIDRE: I CAN’T shed a tear for my wife who has passed away.

I’m so full of anger because her death should never have happened.

She went into hospital to have nodules removed from her throat.

It was supposed to be a simple operation but the surgeon nicked an artery or vein in her neck. The mistake led directly to her death.

We’ve been married for 26 years. She was 62 and I’m 65.

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I’ve had compassionate leave from work and I’m getting some help from the medical ombudsman after I made a complaint, but everything is moving so slowly.

I am really struggling and there’s not much fight left in me, but I feel I should try to get justice for my wife.

DEIDRE SAYS:  I’m sending my deepest sympathy to you and your family.

What an awful situation for you to face on top of losing your wife.

It’s natural that you’d find it difficult to grieve while you have this hanging over you.

My support pack Coping With Bereavement will help you understand the natural emotions you may be feeling and (0808 164 4572) offers six weeks of free bereavement counselling when you feel you are ready.

For additional help, visit, where you can write PALS into the search bar.

It is the Patient Advice and Liaison Service and can help with your complaint.


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