Emmerdale was full of dramatic scenes on Thursday night as Naomi Walters left the iconic village.

During the latest episode, Victor Anderson was saddened to see his granddaughter Naomi's money woes, and nudged her towards getting some of Vinny Dingle’s windfall.

And it wasn't long until Naomi was taken aback when Vinny offered to lend her some money to pay off her debts and she happily took the cash.

However, things took a dramatic twist later in the episode when Victor encouraged Naomi to give him free pints, which Ryan Stocks' girlfriend, Gail, spotted and reported back to Chas Dingle.

This resulted in Naomi of being accused of giving Victor free pints as she decided to quit her job on the spot and storm out The Woolpack, feeling humiliated.

Later, Naomi vented to her granddad to which Victor suggested she take the money Vinny lent her and leave the village for a new life.

After deliberating her life choices, Naomi impulsively decided to start a new life in Ibiza as she left the village, leaving Vinny betrayed and Charles furious with Victor for his part in her decision.

However, fans were left distracted during the scenes as they questioned Ryan's girlfriend Gail's motives after she reported Naomi to Chas, resulting in her departure from the village.

Fans will recall that Gail returned to the village in May and reunited with Ryan after four years away. In recent scenes, Gail has been desperate for a job at the pub and Ryan gave her a role in the Woolpack kitchen, leaving Charity and Marlon Dingle peeved.

Taking to Twitter, one person said: "And as one leaves, another one enters. Charity, Marlon & Chas need to keep a close eye on Ryan's Girlfriend, her mind was set on getting Naomi's job and worming her way behind the woolpack bar. She's up to something. Poor Ryan #emmerdale."

A different account put: "I don't trust Gail, there's definitely a reason why she's back other than seeing Ryan #Emmerdale."

Another follower wrote: "I think Ryan's friend is after his money or something. #Emmerdale."

While a different viewer even held a vote titled: "Do you trust Gail? (Ryan’s girlfriend) #Emmerdale" with 88.6% of people responding "no".

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