Cardi B couldn’t pass up the opportunity to hop on the mic in the streets of France … singin’ a few bars of a Whitney Houston classic while leaving the Thom Browne Fashion Show.

Cardi was on her way out of the designer’s show Monday in Paris, telling the photog the event was great … but as she approached her ride, she got offered the impromptu performance from a nearby busker.

cardi b

Cardi initially shot it down, using nerves as an excuse — but if ya know Cardi, it shouldn’t come as a shock she ended up making her way to the artist, singing the beginning of “I Will Always Love You.”

Folks gettin’ to hear Cardi sing the hit only got a taste, though … because she laughed her performance off before finally jumping in the car.

Safe to say, Cardi’s in a better place compared to last week — as we reported, she dragged her husband Offset online after he publicly accused her of cheating on him in the past.

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She clearly wasn’t having any of it … cursing him out and claiming she’d hit him with a bottle if he ever made those claims face-to-face.

Sounds like the trip to Paris was much needed.

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