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As if Sarah Platt (Tina O’Brien) doesn’t have enough to deal with right now in Coronation Street, she’s about to discover that she’s pregnant.

To make things even more confusing, Sarah won’t actually know whether Adam (Sam Robertson) or Damon (Ciaran Griffiths) is the dad.

This comes after Sarah embarked on an affair with Damon, which happened for months. It was only Gail (Helen Worth) and her young son finding out that made Sarah tell Adam the truth, and suffice to say he was devastated.

However, because Sarah and Adam have been married for ages, Adam agreed to the idea of trying to rebuild their relationship, but it’s been easier said than done.

With Damon working on the cobbles, seeing him basically everyday is proving difficult for Adam – and this latest twist could make things so much worse.

In this new video, Sarah is paid a visit by Dee-Dee (Channique Sterling-Brown), who worked out that she had slept with Damon a few months ago.

Dee-Dee is stunned to discover that Sarah is pregnant, but even more so when she reveals she doesn’t know if Adam is the dad.

Sarah thinks it’ll send Adam ‘plummetting into the abyss’ if Damon is the father, but can she find the courage to even tell him about the pregnancy first of all?

‘It’s just the worst thing in the world ever obviously because she knows it’s a 50/50 situation and she has no idea whose the baby is’, Tina O’Brien told us.

‘It’s more likely to be Adam’s as they’ve slept together more but she knows one of the times with Damon she didn’t use protection. She realises at this point that she’s pretty much blown up her entire life, it’s her worst nightmare.

Discussing whether she’d like the baby to be Adam’s or Damon’s, Tina added: ‘It’s so interesting, it’s probably more interesting if it’s Damon’s, but for Sarah’s happy ending I’d like it to be Adam’s!’.

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