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EastEnders stars Max Bowden and Tony Clay spoke to about what’s coming up for their respective characters.

Max, who plays Ben Mitchell in the BBC One soap, discussed the eating disorder storyline which character is involved in, revealing it was ;on the table’ for quite a while.

‘We were finding the right time,’ he said. ‘Post-rape, Ben was going through a lot internally, and lack of control was a big thing.

‘It’s a difficult story.’

The actor went on to say that he loves to tell stories, stating that he feels ‘very privileged’ to be able to tell this one in ‘the way we’re telling it.’

Tony, meanwhile, discussed the possibility of Callum Highway, who is now a detective, being involved in solving the murder at Christmas time.

EastEnders viewers were treated to a game-changing flashforward episode earlier this year, which saw us transported to the festive season, with six characters towering over a dead body at the Vic.

The identity of the victim remains a mystery, not to mention how exactly the person in question died, but Tony told us that he’d love the chance for Callum to be involved in story, perhaps as the detective investigating it.

‘Hopefully!’, he exclaimed when asked if he would like his character to feature in the narrative. ‘It would be nice to be involved in something that is massive at Christmas time.

‘It would be good to have [Callum] at the forefront of that!’.

The British Soap Awards airs Tuesday June 6 at 8pm on ITV1 and ITVX

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