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Cain Dingle (Jeff Hordley) just wants what’s best for son Kyle (Huey Quinn) in Emmerdale, though he is left upset when he is once again not allowed contact with him.

Kyle was arrested just after Christmas for the murder of Al Chapman, after being encouraged by Caleb Milligan (Will Ash) to tell the truth.

Until that point, Cain had been the one in prison, having confessed to the crime in order to keep his son out of prison.

Kyle was released on bail earlier this year, under the condition that he have no contact with Cain until after the trial.

Despite a few wobbles here and there, Amy Wyatt (Natalie Ann Jamieson) has stuck to those conditions, no matter how nasty Cain got.

She continues to stick to them in a new spoiler video that shows Cain pay a visit, wanting to speak with Kyle.

Having been through the courts before, he hopes to explain things to his son, in order to put him at ease.

However, Amy insists that she has already spoken to him, and the fact that Cain had been there and done that proved exactly why he should be staying away.

Amy remains adamant that he should leave things to her and, reluctantly, he leaves.

Will he heed her words, or find a way to get to Kyle?

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