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    Tipping Point viewers were left struggling to focus on the show after one contestant dazzled them with his striking good looks.

    Fans of the hit ITV quiz show tuning in to Wednesday's (February 8) episode saw the latest batch of contestants ready to battle it out for a chance at the £10,000 jackpot prize.

    But it was one in particular who sparked interest from viewers as host Ben Shephard introduced him to them.

    As plucky professional personal trainer Theo introduced himself fans were convinced he looked like he had stepped straight out of a 'boyband.'

    Taking to Twitter to discuss his good looks viewers didn't hold back as they shared their opinions on his appearance.

    One wrote: "Theo has got that 90s boyband vibe for sure. He looks like he might sing me a ballad then wipe away my tears through the tv."

    A second added: "Theo looks like he was part of an R&B group in the early 2000s."

    A third noted: "Theo is so good looking."

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